Localizing SDEJ Message Files

It is possible to localize or modify the message files shipped with the Cúram SDEJ. These message files are located in the message directory of the SDEJ and are in the same format as Cúram application message files but with the extension .iml.

To localize these files copy the particular .iml message file to be modified from the SDEJ to the message directory of a component in your Cúram application, for example, SERVER_DIR/components/custom/message. The .iml message file can then be modified in the same way as any message file, overriding a message or adding a new locale for all the messages.
Note: If the package attribute in the message file is modified the localization will not work.

The msggen target, when run, will merge the localized .iml message file with the original one located in the SDEJ. The localized message file will have the higher precedence order. It will then generate the properties files only and include them in the messages.jar file created. The messages.jar file will always be on the classpath before the default SDEJ messages in a runtime application.