Restart the Application Server

This step is compulsory. The WebSphere Application Server for z/OS address spaces must be restarted for the security changes to take effect and to add additional required users. The address spaces can be stopped using the appropriate and scripts in the profiles/default/bin directory of the WebSphere Application Server for z/OS installation or by using the z/OS operator STOP and START command(s) appropriate for your installation.

Before restarting the application server, it is necessary to make the registry and cryptography JAR files available to WebSphere Application Server for z/OS. The registry JAR file contains classes necessary for the security configuration and the cryptography JAR file contains necessary configuration settings and data for password security.

Registry.jar is located in the lib directory of the SDEJ installation. Copy this file into the lib directory of the WebSphere Application Server for z/OS installation.

The default CryptoConfig.jar file is located in the <SERVER_DIR>/project/properties directory of the Curam installation. Copy this file into the Java jre/lib/ext directory. If you require customizations to the Curam cryptographic configuration see the Curam Security Handbook for more information.

For sites with a read-only WebSphere installation file system see the procedure here: Alternate JAR File Locations.

Now start the application server using the script in the profiles/default/bin directory of the WebSphere Application Server for z/OS installation or the z/OS operator START command appropriate for your installation and open the Administrative Console to continue with the configuration steps.

Since the security configuration is complete and the scripting changes have been made, it is now possible to use the SDEJ scripts to restart the application server. See Starting and Stopping WebSphere Servers for more details on restarting the server.

The Administrative Console should now be opened to continue with the configuration. Now that global security is enabled, you will be required to login to the console with the username websphere and password websphere set up previously.