Alternate JAR File Locations

With WebSphere Application Server for z/OS V8 a read-only installation file system may cause issues with placement of the Cúram registry and cryptography JAR files (described here Restart the Application Server). By default, each time the Ant configure target is run these JAR files are copied into the WebSphere configuration file system ($JAVA_HOME/lib/ext and $WAS_HOME/lib). If the underlying installation file system is mounted as read-only these copies will fail and the file system can't reasonably be remounted read/write for each configure invocation. But, it is possible to set up a symbolic link, with the file system mounted as read-write (a one-time activity), specifying an alternate location for these files to be copied.

The one-time procedure is as follows:

  1. Mount the WebSphere installation file system (e.g. /usr/lpp/zWebSphere/V8R0) as read-write.
  2. Create a symbolic link in the WebSphere lib directory for the Cúram Registry.jar, which contains the CuramLoginModule. For example:
    ln -s /curam/EJBServer/CuramSDEJ/lib/Registry.jar /usr/lpp/zWebSphere/V8R0/lib/Registry.jar

  3. Create a symbolic link in the Java lib/ext directory for the Cúram cryptography jar: CryptoConfig.jar. For example:
    ln -s /curam/EJBServer/project/properties/CryptoConfig.jar /usr/lpp/zWebSphere/V8R0/java64/lib/ext/CryptoConfig.jar

  4. Remount the WebSphere installation file system as read-only.
The above steps will allow your WebSphere file system to remain read-only when the configure target is run, which copies these files to the alternate location that points to the installation file system. When running the Ant configure target specify the following properties, which are showing the example locations above: