Managing Outcome Plan Reviews

Reviews are often undertaken to ensure that the activities on an outcome plan are correctly addressing the needs of clients, to assess the clients progress towards achieving the plan goals and objectives, and to make appropriate changes to the plan depending on the clients current circumstances. For example, in Child Welfare, permanency plans are created to implement the most permanent long-term living situation possible for a child, consistent with the child's best interest. A Return Home permanency plan can be created which has a goal of returning a child to their parents. This plan is then reviewed regularly to ensure that all clients on the plan are participating as required in order to achieve the overall goal.

Reviews may result in many changes to a plan and in order to record and track these changes, Outcome Management allows a case worker to create a review for an outcome plan that will store changes made to the plan during the time the review was open. A case worker can use the review to easily identify the changes made as a result of a particular review. This section outlines the process for creating a review and reviewing activities in a plan.