
Evidence is information supplied by participants which can be used to make an assessment or a determination. For example, the date of birth of a person may be used to determine age qualification for a benefit or service and is therefore key to the processing of the case.

Person and prospect person evidence is made up of a set of evidence types which are essentially logical groups of related attributes. A number of evidence types are provided as part of the person and prospect person tab.

Person and prospect person evidence can be maintained from the person and prospect person tabs and shared to any cases of which the participant is a member. Conversely, organizations can choose to maintain person and prospect person evidence from within a case, and configure the system to share that evidence back to the person or prospect person tab.

The way in which evidence is maintained on the person or prospect person tab is slightly different to the way it is maintained on a case. On the person or prospect person tab, there is no concept of ‘In Edit’ evidence and so updates are automatically applied. This is in contrast to the brokering of evidence from the person or prospect person tab to cases, where user intervention might be required before updates to evidence are either accepted onto the case or activated and used by rules.

The following sections describe each of the evidence types provided on the person and prospect person tabs and provide a brief overview of how each one is maintained.