
Identification records are used to store different forms of participant identification, such as passport numbers and national insurance numbers. Organizations generally use identification records to identify and search for participants.

If an identification reference is not entered on person or prospect person registration, the system automatically creates a reference number identification evidence record. A person or prospect person can have multiple instances of most types of identification but can only have one social security number or medical card number at any point in time. ‘From’ and ‘To’ dates are used to record the validity period of the particular form of identification. For example, a person might have dual citizenship and therefore have two valid passports, both of which have expiry dates. If the person renews both passports, the user can simply update ‘To’ dates on both Identification records. If that person contacts the organization to say that he mistakenly entered the wrong passport number when applying online for benefits, the user can find the relevant Identification record and update it as a correction. Because identification references do not change over time, successions are not allowed.

Identification records brokered from another case are processed automatically. In order to do this, the system checks the incoming record to determine whether the system should treat the identification record as a new record,modify an existing record or consider it a duplicate of an identification record already held. If the identification record is deemed to be a duplicate (where all attributes on the record match an existing email address record held) no updates are made.

In order to determine whether to add a new record or modify an existing one, the system checks if there is an existing record that is logically identical, by comparing the 'ID Reference' and 'Type' attributes. If the attributes match, the system then updates the existing record held with the details on the incoming record (where the incoming record has the latest received date). If none of the attributes match, the system adds this as a new identification record.