Web Express Logon Tutorial

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Step Step 3 of 6: Enable OS/400 single sign-on: Part II

Now that you have configured NAS, you are ready to configure EIM. Together, NAS and EIM provide a single sign-on environment.

EIM is a mechanism for mapping (associating) a person or entity to the appropriate user identities in various user registries (opens new browser) throughout the enterprise. EIM provides APIs for creating and managing these identity mapping relationships, as well as APIs that applications use to query this information.

To configure EIM, take the following steps:

  1. Configure the EIM domain and configure the directory server on iSeries-B to be the EIM domain controller.
  2. Configure iSeries-A to participate in the EIM domain.
  3. Create EIM identifiers for users in the enterprise.
  4. Add EIM associations for the OS/400 user profiles and principal names to the EIM identifier.
  5. Configure iSeries Access for Windows connections to use Kerberos principals as authentication method.
  6. Verify NAS and EIM setup.

Any and all passwords used within this scenario are for example purposes only. They should not be used during an actual configuration.

1. Configure the EIM domain and configure Directory Server on iSeries-B to be the EIM domain controller.

You now need to configure an EIM domain in your network. You also need to configure iSeries-B to be the EIM domain controller for the new EIM domain. When you have finished this step, you will have completed the following tasks:

  1. In iSeries Navigator, expand iSeries-B > Network > Enterprise Identity Mapping.
  2. Right-click Configuration and select Configure to start the configuration wizard.

  3. On the Welcome page, select Create and join a new domain. Click Next.
  4. On the Configure Directory Server page, in the Port field, accept the default 389. In the Distinguished name field, enter cn=administrator. Enter and confirm a password. This password will be used when accessing EIM domain management tasks. For example, the administrator for MyCo entered mycopwd in the Password and Confirm password fields. Click Next.
  5. On the Specify Domain page, enter the name of the domain. For example, the administrator for MyCo entered mycoeimDomain in the Domain field.
    The domain name cannot contain any of the following characters: =+<>,#;\and*.
    The Description field is optional. If you want, enter a brief description of the domain controller. Click Next.
  6. On the Specify Parent DN for Domain page, select No to allow EIM data to reside in its own suffix in the namespace. Click Next.
  7. On the Registry Information page, select Local OS/400 and Kerberos. Select Kerberos user identities are case sensitive. Click Next. Write down the registry names. You will need these registry names when creating associations to EIM identifiers.
    Registry names must be unique to the domain.
  8. On the Specify EIM System User page, select the system EIM user. Accept the defaults that appear on this page. For example, MyCo had the following information on this page:
    • User type: Distinguished name and password
    • Distinguished name: cn=administrator
    • Password: mycopwd
    Click Next.
  9. On the Summary page, confirm the EIM configuration information. Click Finish.

You have now configured the directory server on iSeries-B as the EIM domain controller for the newly configured EIM domain in the network. Now you must specify iSeries-A as a participant in this EIM domain.

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2. Configure iSeries-A to participate in the EIM domain.

To configure iSeries-A to participate in the EIM domain, take the following steps:

  1. In iSeries Navigator, expand iSeries-A > Network > Enterprise Identity Mapping.
  2. Right-click Configuration and select Configure to start the configuration wizard.

  3. On the Welcome page, select Join an existing domain. Click Next.
  4. On the Specify Domain Controller page, enter the name of the domain controller. For example, the administrator for MyCo entered iseriesb.ordept.myco.com in the Domain controller name field. Click Next.
  5. On the Specify User for Connection page, select Distinguished name and password for the user type. For example, the administrator for MyCo entered cn=administrator in the Distinguished name field and mycopwd in the password and confirm password fields. Click Next.
  6. On the Specify Domain page, select the name of the domain in which you want to participate. Click Next. For example, the administrator for MyCo selected mycoeimDomain.
  7. On the Registry Information page, select Local OS/400. Click Next. Write down the registry names. You will need these registry names when creating associations to EIM identifiers.
    Registry names must be unique to the domain.
  8. On the Specify EIM System User page, select the system EIM user. Accept the defaults that appear on this page. For example, MyCo had the following information on this page:
    • User type: Distinguished name and password
    • Distinguished name: cn=administrator
    • Password: mycopwd
    Click Next.
  9. On the Summary page, confirm the EIM configuration. Click Finish.

You have now configured iSeries-A to participate in the domain. You now need to create EIM identifiers for each user in the enterprise.

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3: Create EIM identifiers for users in the enterprise.

An EIM identifier represents a user or entity on the network. In the case of MyCo, the administrator created two EIM identifiers, John Smith and Sharon Jones.

  1. On iSeries-B, expand Network > Enterprise Identity Mapping.
  2. Right-click Domain Management and select Add Domain...

  3. On the Add Domain dialog, these defaults should display for MyCo’s EIM domain:
    • Domain: mycoeimDomain
    • Parent DN: none
    • Domain controller: iseriesb.ordept.myco.com
    • Port: 389
      These defaults were created during EIM domain controller configuration.
  4. Click OK.
  5. The iSeries Navigator hierarchy refreshes with mycoeimDomain under Domain Management. Click mycoeimDomain. You will be prompted with the Connect to EIM Domain Controller dialog. You must connect to the EIM domain controller before you can manage the domain.
  6. On the Connect to EIM Domain Controller page, enter the Domain Controller’s administrator distinguished name and password. These are the same distinguished name and password that are created during the configuration of the EIM domain controller. For MyCo, the administrator entered the following:
    • Distinguished name: cn=administrator
    • Password: mycopwd
  7. Click OK.
  8. Two new folders will display: User Registries and Identifiers. Right-click Identifiers and select New Identifier.
  9. On the New EIM Identifier page, enter an identifier in the Identifier field. Repeat this step until all users have an identifier. MyCo added the following identifiers:
    • John Smith
    • Sharon Jones
  10. Click OK.
Now that unique EIM identifiers have been created for John Smith and Sharon Jones, we can now associate their OS/400 user names on iSeries-A and iSeries-B and their Kerberos principals to these EIM identifiers.

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4. Add EIM associations for the OS/400 user profiles and principal names to the EIM identifier.

To complete this task, MyCo’s administrator completed the following steps:

  1. On iSeries-B, expand Network > Enterprise Identity Mapping > Domain Management > mycoeimDomain > Identifiers. Right-click John Smith, and select Properties.

    There will be three associations for this identifier: Kerberos principal, the user profile on iSeries-A, and the user profile for iSeries-B.
  2. To associate the Kerberos principal with the identifier John Smith, take the following steps:
    1. On the Associations tab, click Add.
    2. On the Add Association page, click Browse in the Registry field, and select ORDEPT.MYCO.COM. This is the Kerberos user registry that was added during EIM configuration.
    3. In the User field, enter jsmith.
    4. In the Association type field, select Source.
    5. Click OK.
  3. To associate the user name on iSeries-A with the identifier John Smith, take the following steps:
    1. On the Associations tab, click Add.
    2. On the Add Association page, click Browse in the Registry field, and select iseriesa.ordept.myco.com. This is the OS/400 user registry for iSeries-A.
    3. In the User field, enter JOHNS.
    4. In the Association type field, select Target.
    5. Click OK.
  4. To associate the user name on iSeries-B with the identifier John Smith, take the following steps:
    1. On the Associations tab, click Add.
    2. On the Add Association page, click Browse in the Registry field and select iseriesb.ordept.myco.com. This is the OS/400 user registry on iSeries-B.
    3. In the User field, enter Smithjo.
    4. In the Association type field, select Target.
    5. Click OK.
  5. Repeat these steps for user Sharon Jones.

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5. Configure iSeries Access for Windows connections to use Kerberos principals as authentication method.

You now need to configure both the Jsmith and Sjones PCs to use Kerberos when authenticating to the iSeries-A and iSeries-B servers. From Jsmith’s PC, configure iSeries-A and its applications to use Kerberos authentication by completing the following steps:

  1. In iSeries Navigator, right-click iSeries-A and select Properties.
  2. On the Connection tab, select Use Kerberos principal name, no prompting. This will allow iSeries Access for Windows connections to use the Kerberos principal name and password for authentication.
  3. Repeat these steps for iSeries-B.
  4. Repeat these steps on Sjones’s PC.

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14. Verify NAS and EIM setup.

At this point, all configuration steps are completed. To verify that NAS and EIM have been set up correctly, the administrator had Sharon Jones and John Smith log on to the Windows 2000 domain and request access to an application on the iSeries host. If no iSeries sign-on prompt displays, EIM successfully mapped the Kerberos principal to an identifier on the domain.

You may also use a Windows 2000 Resource Kit Tool called Kerbtray to confirm that your Windows clients are able to retrieve Kerberos tickets from the KDC. Go to http://www.microsoft.com (opens new browser) and search for kerbtray.exe. Follow the accompanying documentation to use the tool.

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