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Configuring IPMonitor v1.0, automatic mode

IPMonitor v1.0 for Java, automatic mode is a Java applet that you can use to collect trace information containing the session data flowing between a client and a host. You can access it from the Start Session with the IPMonitor option on the session icon's start menu. This option is available after you have added the IPMonitor parameter to the session HTML file. Host On-Demand servers running on Win32, AIX, Sun Solaris, OS/2, Novell Netware, OS/400, MVS/390, and Linux all support the IPMonitor parameter, however, only 3270 display, 5250 display, and VT display sessions support IPMonitor tracing.

You can add the IPMonitor parameter to session HTML files in two ways:

Using the Deployment Wizard to add the IPMonitor parameter to a new HTML file

  1. Create a new HTML session file that includes the problem determination components.
    1. Click Advanced Options on the Additional Options panel.
    2. Click the Other tab. Click Yes to include the problem determination components.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Finish creating the new session HTML file.
  2. Edit the session HTML file you created to add the IPMonitor parameter.
    1. Start the Deployment Wizard and open the new HTML file you have created.
    2. Click Next to reach the Additional Options panel, click Advanced Options, then select the Other tab.
    3. Type IPMonitor in the Name field.
    4. Type "SessionName=My Session,TraceFile=c:\mydirectory\trace.trc", excluding the quotes, in the value field. SessionName can be any session name available on the Host On-Demand desktop. The SessionName must be spelled spelled exactly as it appears in the session properties, and as it is displayed below the session icon, including spaces. TraceFile can be any valid file name.
    5. Click set. The parameter is added to the Additional Parameters list.
    6. Click OK to return to the Additional Options page, and finish editing the HTML file.

Adding the IPMonitor parameter to the APPLET tag of a session HTML file

The IPMonitor parameter has already been added to the APPLET tag of the Cached client with problem determination (HODCachedDebug.html) and the Download client with problem determination (HODDebug.html), but is commented out. Use a text editor to uncomment the IPMonitor parameter to use the parameter with either of these clients.

You can only use the Deployment Wizard to edit files that you have created with the Deployment Wizard. You cannot use the Deployment Wizard to edit the Cached client with problem determination or the Download client with problem determination.

To add the IPMonitor parameter to HTML files you have created without using the Deployment Wizard, use a text editor to edit the HTML file. The session must include the problem determination components. Change:

<APPLET archive="hod.jar,sccbase.jar" CODE="" WIDTH=584 HEIGHT=450>


<APPLET archive="hoddbg.jar,sccbase.jar" CODE="" WIDTH=584 HEIGHT=450>

and add the following parameter to the applet tag:

<PARAM  NAME=IPMonitor    VALUE="[<option_tag=<option_value>,...]">

For example,

<PARAM  NAME=IPMonitor    VALUE="SessionName=My Session,TraceFile=c:\mydirectory\trace.trc">
adds the option Start Session with IPMonitor to the menu when you right click the icon for the session named "3270 to myhost" on the Host On-Demand desktop. Selecting this option starts the session and also starts IPMonitor. The trace file is saved to c:\mydirectory\trace.trc.

Enclose the string that follows VALUE= in quotes. Without quotes, the HTML parser stops parsing the string as soon as it reaches a space. This may cause some of the IPMonitor settings you want to set to be discarded by the HTML parser.

There is also a sample file, ipmon.html that can show you how to use this parameter. It is located in the x:\hostondemand\lib\samples\IPMonitor directory.

Trace Option Supported Values Description
SessionName Any session name available on the Host On-Demand desktop, spelled exactly as it appears in the session properties, and as it is displayed below the session icon. Specifies the name of the session that you want to have started along with IPMonitor. If no session name is specified, IPMonitor can be run by all 3270 display, 5250 display, and VT display sessions defined for the Host On-Demand desktop you logged on to.
TraceFile Any valid file name. Specifies the trace file name that the IPMonitor trace is saved to. If no file name is specified, IPMonitor saves the trace file to output.tlg in the path specified in the JVM system property "user.dir".

When you select Start Session with IPMonitor from the session icon's start menu, the IPMonitor v1.0 for Java, automatic mode appears first, and then the session starts.

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