java.lang.Object | +--com.ibm.eNetwork.ECL.ECLPS
ECLPS encapsulates the host presentation space. The presentation space is a virtual screen which contains all the characters and attributes that would be seen on a traditional emulator screen. The presentation space is the primary object for text-based interactions with the host. This class provides methods that manipulate text, perform searches, send keystrokes to the host, and work with the cursor. An instance of ECLPS can be obtained using the GetPS() method on an instance of ECLSession.
The raw presentation space data is maintained in a series of planes which can be accessed by various methods within this class. The text plane contains the actual characters in the presentation space. Most of the methods in ECLPS work exclusively with the text plane.
The remaining planes contain the corresponding attributes for each character in the text plane. The color plane contains color characteristics. The field plane contains the field attributes. The extended field plane contains the extended field attributes. The DBCS plane contains double byte character set (DBCS) character and field attributes. The grid plane contains the DBCS grid information. The color, field, extended field, DBCS, and grid planes are not interpreted by any of the methods in this class.
It may be more convenient to access the presentation space through a field list (ECLFieldList). The GetFieldList() method may be used to get an instance of ECLFieldList which contains a snapshot of all the fields in the current presentation space. Fields provide convenient methods for interpreting the data in the non-text planes.
The only configurable feature of the presentation space is its size. The size is determined by the value of the SESSION_PS_SIZE keyword in the Properties parameter when ECLSession is constructed. Valid presentation space sizes include 24 x 80, 32 x 80, 43 x 80, 27 x 132, and 24 x 132 but might be limited by the type of emulation (3270, 5250, VT). The default size is 24 rows by 80 columns. The size of the presentation space can be determined using the GetSize(), GetSizeRows(), and GetSizeCols() methods.
Once an instance of ECLPS has been obtained, an application can register for PS events using the RegisterPSEvent() method. PS events are sent to registered objects whenever the presentation space is changed for any reason, be it host or operator initiated. These PS events are the primary mechanism used by an application to drive interactions with the presentation space.
Field Summary | |
static int |
int |
static int |
static int |
Fields inherited from interface org.ohio.iOhio |
Method Summary | |
void |
BadgeReader(java.lang.String text)
The BadgeReader method sends a string to the presentation space at the current cursor location + 1. |
void |
BadgeReader(java.lang.String text,
int pos)
The BadgeReader method sends a string to the presentation space at the specified location + 1. |
void |
BadgeReader(java.lang.String text,
int row,
int column)
The BadgeReader method sends a string to the presentation space at the specified location + 1. |
int |
ConvertPosToCol(int pos)
The ConvertPosToCol method converts a linear presentation space position to its corresponding column. |
int |
ConvertPosToRow(int pos)
The ConvertPosToRow method converts a linear presentation space position to its corresponding row. |
int |
ConvertRowColToPos(int row,
int col)
The ConvertRowColToPos method converts a row and column coordinate to its corresponding linear position. |
int |
Returns the column coordinate of the current cursor position. |
int |
Returns the linear cursor position. |
int |
Returns the row coordinate of the current cursor position. |
boolean |
Returns whether the cursor is visible. |
ECLFieldList |
GetFieldList returns an instance of ECLFieldList based on the current PS. |
ECLFieldList |
GetFieldList(int planes)
GetFieldList returns an instance of ECLFieldList based on the current PS. |
ECLSession |
Get the parent of this PS which is an instance of ECLSession. |
Returns the instance of ECLPSBIDIServices associated with the ECLPS instance in 3270/5250 BIDI sessions or null if the session is not using the 3270/5250 BIDI codepage |
Returns the instance of ECLPSTHAIServices associated with the ECLPS instance or null if the session is not using the Thailand codepages (838 or 1160). |
PSVTBIDIServices |
Returns the instance of PSVTBIDIServices associated with the ECLPS instance in VT BIDI sessions or null if the session is not using the VT BIDI codepage |
int |
GetScreen(char[] buffer,
int bufferLength,
int plane)
GetScreen retrieves the various planes (text, color, attributes, extended attributes) associated with the presentation space. |
int |
GetScreen(char[] buffer,
int bufferLength,
int position,
int length,
int plane)
GetScreen retrieves the various planes (text, color, attributes, extended attributes) associated with the presentation space. |
int |
GetScreen(char[] buffer,
int bufferLength,
int row,
int col,
int length,
int plane)
GetScreen retrieves the various planes (text, color, attributes, extended attributes) associated with the presentation space. |
int |
GetScreenRect(char[] buffer,
int bufferLength,
int startPos,
int endPos,
int plane)
GetScreenRect retrieves data from the various planes (text, color, attributes, extended attributes) associated with the presentation space. |
int |
GetScreenRect(char[] buffer,
int bufferLength,
int startRow,
int startCol,
int endRow,
int endCol,
int plane)
GetScreenRect retrieves data from the various planes (text, color, attributes, extended attributes) associated with the presentation space. |
java.lang.String[] |
Returns the valid list of SendKey mnemonic commands for the PS object. |
int |
Returns the linear size of the presentation space. |
int |
Returns the total number of columns in the presentation space. |
int |
Returns the total number of rows in the presentation space. |
int |
GetString(char[] buffer,
int bufferLength)
GetString retrieves text plane information from the presentation space similarly to GetScreen using the TEXT_PLANE parameter, but it handles DBCS characters differently. |
int |
GetString(char[] buffer,
int bufferLength,
int position,
int length)
GetString retrieves text plane information from the presentation space similarly to GetScreen using the TEXT_PLANE parameter, but it handles DBCS characters differently. |
int |
GetString(char[] buffer,
int bufferLength,
int row,
int col,
int length)
GetString retrieves text plane information from the presentation space similarly to GetScreen using the TEXT_PLANE parameter, but it handles DBCS characters differently. |
boolean |
IsDBCS2ndChar(int Sba)
This method is called to check the status for DBCS character during keystroke processing. |
boolean |
IsDBCSChar(int Sba)
This method is called to check the status for DBCS character during keystroke processing. |
boolean |
This method is used for VT sessions. |
boolean |
IsSIChar(int Sba)
This method is called to check the status for SO/SI character during keystroke processing. |
boolean |
Returns whether the system should ignore screen events when a host application sends a clear screen command immediately followed by an end of record indicator in the data stream. |
void |
MagStripeReader(java.lang.String text)
The MagStripeReader method sends a string to the presentation space at the current cursor location + 1. |
void |
MagStripeReader(java.lang.String text,
int pos)
The MagStripeReader method sends a string to the presentation space at the specified location + 1. |
void |
MagStripeReader(java.lang.String text,
int row,
int column)
The MagStripeReader method sends a string to the presentation space at the specified location + 1. |
void |
RegisterPSEvent(ECLPSListener listener)
Registers a PS Listener for all PS events. |
void |
RegisterPSEvent(ECLPSListener listener,
int type)
Registers a PS Listener for either host- or user-generated events. |
void |
RegisterPSEvent(ECLPSNotify notify)
Deprecated. |
int |
SearchString(java.lang.String text,
int direction)
The SearchString method searches for a given text string within the presentation space similarly to SearchText, but it handles DBCS characters differently. |
int |
SearchString(java.lang.String text,
int position,
int direction)
The SearchString method searches for a given text string within the presentation space similarly to SearchText, but it handles DBCS characters differently. |
int |
SearchString(java.lang.String text,
int row,
int column,
int direction)
The SearchString method searches for a given text string within the presentation space similarly to SearchText, but it handles DBCS characters differently. |
int |
SearchText(java.lang.String text,
int direction)
The SearchText method searches for a given text string within the presentation space. |
int |
SearchText(java.lang.String text,
int position,
int direction)
The SearchText method searches for a given text string within the presentation space. |
int |
SearchText(java.lang.String text,
int row,
int column,
int direction)
The SearchText method searches for a given text string within the presentation space. |
void |
SendKeys(java.lang.String text)
The SendKeys method sends a string of keys to the presentation space. |
void |
SendKeys(java.lang.String text,
int pos)
This signature of SendKeys sends the given text string at the specified cursor location. |
void |
SendKeys(java.lang.String text,
int row,
int col)
This signature of SendKeys sends the given text string at the specified cursor position. |
void |
SetCursorPos(int pos)
Sets the cursor position to the specified linear position. |
void |
SetCursorPos(int row,
int col)
Sets the cursor position to the specified row and column. |
void |
SetCursorVisible(boolean bVisible)
Sets the cursor to be visible or invisible depending on the given parameter |
void |
setSize(int nRows,
int nColumns)
This method is used to set the size of the presentation space and allocate any memory need to store the characters. |
void |
SetString(java.lang.String text)
The SetString method sends a string to the presentation space at the current cursor location similarly to SetText, but it handles DBCS characters differently. |
void |
SetString(java.lang.String text,
int pos)
The SetString method sends a string to the presentation space at the specified location similarly to SetText, but it handles DBCS characters differently. |
void |
SetString(java.lang.String text,
int row,
int column)
The SetString method sends a string to the presentation space at the specified location similarly to SetText, but it handles DBCS characters differently. |
void |
SetSuppressClearEvent(boolean argVal)
Sets whether the system should ignore screen events when a host application sends a clear screen command immediately followed by an end of record indicator in the data stream. |
void |
SetText(java.lang.String text)
The SetText method sends a string to the presentation space at the current cursor location. |
void |
SetText(java.lang.String text,
int pos)
The SetText method sends a string to the presentation space at the specified location. |
void |
SetText(java.lang.String text,
int row,
int column)
The SetText method sends a string to the presentation space at the specified location. |
void |
UnregisterPSEvent(ECLPSListener listener)
Unregisters a PS Listener that was previously registered with the RegisterPSEvent() method. |
void |
UnregisterPSEvent(ECLPSListener listener,
int type)
Unregisters a PS Listener that was previously registered with the RegisterPSEvent() method. |
void |
UnregisterPSEvent(ECLPSNotify notify)
Deprecated. |
boolean |
WaitForAttrib(int row,
int col,
char attrib,
int plane)
Synchronously waits until the attribute appears at the given row and column position. |
boolean |
WaitForAttrib(int row,
int col,
char attrib,
int plane,
long timeOut,
boolean waitForInput)
Synchronously waits until the attribute appears at the given row and column position or until the method times out. |
boolean |
WaitForCursor(int row,
int col)
Synchronously waits until the cursor appears at the given row and column position. |
boolean |
WaitForCursor(int row,
int col,
long timeOut,
boolean waitForInput)
Synchronously waits until the cursor appears at the given row and column position or until the method times out. |
boolean |
WaitForScreen(ECLScreenDesc screenDesc)
Synchronously waits until the screen, as described by ECLScreenDesc, appears in the Presentation Space. |
boolean |
WaitForScreen(ECLScreenDesc screenDesc,
long timeOut)
Synchronously waits for the screen, as described by ECLScreenDesc, to appear in the Presentation Space. |
boolean |
WaitForString(java.lang.String str)
Synchronously waits until the string appears in the presentation space. |
boolean |
WaitForString(java.lang.String str,
int row,
int col)
Synchronously waits until the string appears at the given position. |
boolean |
WaitForString(java.lang.String str,
int row,
int col,
long timeOut,
boolean waitForInput,
boolean caseSensitive)
Synchronously waits until the string appears at the given position. |
boolean |
WaitForStringInRect(java.lang.String str,
int sRow,
int sCol,
int eRow,
int eCol)
Synchronously waits until the string appears at the given rectangle. |
boolean |
WaitForStringInRect(java.lang.String str,
int sRow,
int sCol,
int eRow,
int eCol,
long timeOut,
boolean waitForInput,
boolean caseSensitive)
Synchronously waits until the string appears at the given rectangle. |
boolean |
WaitWhileAttrib(int row,
int col,
char attrib,
int plane)
Synchronously waits until the attribute is no longer at the given row and column position. |
boolean |
WaitWhileAttrib(int row,
int col,
char attrib,
int plane,
long timeOut,
boolean waitForInput)
Synchronously waits until the attribute is no longer at the given row and column position. |
boolean |
WaitWhileCursor(int row,
int col)
Synchronously waits until the cursor is no longer at the given row and column position. |
boolean |
WaitWhileCursor(int row,
int col,
long timeOut,
boolean waitForInput)
Synchronously waits until the cursor is no longer at the given row and column position or until the method times out. |
boolean |
WaitWhileScreen(ECLScreenDesc screenDesc)
Synchronously waits until the screen, as described by ECLScreenDesc, is no longer in the Presentation Space. |
boolean |
WaitWhileScreen(ECLScreenDesc screenDesc,
long timeOut)
Synchronously waits until the screen, as described by ECLScreenDesc, is no longer in the Presentation Space. |
boolean |
WaitWhileString(java.lang.String str)
Synchronously waits until the string is no longer in the presentation space. |
boolean |
WaitWhileString(java.lang.String str,
int row,
int col)
Synchronously waits until the string is no longer in the given position. |
boolean |
WaitWhileString(java.lang.String str,
int row,
int col,
long timeOut,
boolean waitForInput,
boolean caseSensitive)
Synchronously waits until the string is no longer in the given position. |
boolean |
WaitWhileStringInRect(java.lang.String str,
int sRow,
int sCol,
int eRow,
int eCol)
Synchronously waits until the string is no longer in the given rectangle. |
boolean |
WaitWhileStringInRect(java.lang.String str,
int sRow,
int sCol,
int eRow,
int eCol,
long timeOut,
boolean waitForInput,
boolean caseSensitive)
Synchronously waits until the string is no longer in the given rectangle. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Methods inherited from interface org.ohio.iOhioScreen |
addScreenListener, findString, getColumns, getCursor, getData, getFields, getOIA, getRows, getString, removeScreenListener, sendAid, sendKeys, setCursor, setString |
Methods inherited from interface org.ohio.iOhio |
getOhioVersion, getVendorName, getVendorObject, getVendorProductVersion |
Field Detail |
public int Columns
public static final int USER_EVENTS
public static final int HOST_EVENTS
public static final int ALL_EVENTS
Method Detail |
public ECLSession GetParent()
public int GetSize()
public int GetSizeRows()
public int GetSizeCols()
public int GetCursorPos()
Note: The cursor positioning system is 1-based rather than 0-based. The valid cursor positions for a 24 x 80 presentation space are between 1 and 1920 inclusive.
public int GetCursorRow()
Note: The cursor positioning system is 1-based rather than 0-based. The valid cursor row positions for a 24 x 80 presentation space are between 1 and 24 inclusive.
public int GetCursorCol()
Note: The cursor positioning system is 1-based rather than 0-based. The valid cursor column positions for a 24 x 80 presentation space are between 1 and 80 inclusive.
public void SetCursorPos(int pos) throws ECLErr
- The new linear cursor position.
This number must be between 1 and the size
of the presentation space inclusive.ECLErr
- Thrown when the given position is out of
range.SetCursorPos(int, int)
public void SetCursorPos(int row, int col) throws ECLErr
- The new row coordinate of the cursor position.
This number must be between 1 and the number
of rows in the presentation space inclusive.column
- The new column coordinate of the cursor position.
This number must be between 1 and the number
of columns in the presentation space inclusive.ECLErr
- Thrown when the coordinates given are out of
public java.lang.String[] GetSendKeyMnemonics()
These special keys are represented by keywords which are delimited by square brackets and called mnemonics. For example, the mnemonic keyword for the Enter key is [enter].
public void SendKeys(java.lang.String text) throws ECLErr
The text string can contain any number or combination of characters and mnemonics. For example, the following string, "userID[tab]password[enter]", can be used to send a user's ID, tab to the next field, send the user's password, and then send the Enter key to logon to a host.
To send a left or right square bracket, the character must be doubled. To send a left square bracket use "[[". To send a right square bracket use "]]".
This signature of SendKeys sends the given text string at the current cursor location.
- The string of characters and aid key mnemonics to
be sent.ECLErr
- Thrown on mnemonic error.SendKeys(java.lang.String, int)
SendKeys(java.lang.String, int, int)
public void SendKeys(java.lang.String text, int pos) throws ECLErr
- The string of characters and mnemonic keywords
to be sent.pos
- The linear position where keys should be sent.ECLErr
- Thrown if the position specified is out of
range or if there is a mnemonic error.SendKeys(java.lang.String)
SendKeys(java.lang.String, int, int)
public void SendKeys(java.lang.String text, int row, int col) throws ECLErr
- The string of characters and mnemonic keywords
to be sent.row
- The starting row where keys should be sent.column
- The starting column where keys should be sent.ECLErr
- Thrown if the position specified is out of
range or if there is a mnemonic error.SendKeys(java.lang.String)
SendKeys(java.lang.String, int)
public int SearchText(java.lang.String text, int direction)
The method returns the linear position of the found string or zero if the string is not found. The linear position can be converted to row and column coordinates using the ConvertPosToRow() and ConvertPosToCol() methods.
- The string to search for.direction
- Specifies whether to search
forward or backward from the starting
location of the search. To search forward
use the SEARCH_FORWARD constant. To search
backward use the SEARCH_BACKWARD constant.SearchText(java.lang.String, int, int, int)
SearchText(java.lang.String, int, int)
public int SearchString(java.lang.String text, int direction)
The method allows both forward and backward searches. If a forward search is specified, the search starts at the beginning of the presentation space. If a backward search is specified, the search starts at the end of the presentation space.
The method returns the linear position of the found string or zero if the string is not found. The linear position can be converted to row and column coordinates using the ConvertPosToRow() and ConvertPosToCol() methods.
Note: SearchString functions identically to SearchText when the given search string contains no DBCS characters.
See Text Plane in Appendix B. Host Access Class Library Planes -- Format and Content for more information on the representation of DBCS characters in the text plane.
- The string to search for.direction
- Specifies whether to search
forward or backward from the starting
location of the search. To search forward
use the SEARCH_FORWARD constant. To search
backward use the SEARCH_BACKWARD constant.SearchString(java.lang.String, int, int, int)
SearchString(java.lang.String, int, int)
public int SearchText(java.lang.String text, int row, int column, int direction) throws ECLErr
The method returns the linear position of the found string or zero if the string is not found. The linear position can be converted to row and column coordinates using the ConvertPosToRow() and ConvertPosToCol() methods.
- The string to search for.row
- Starting row.column
- Starting column.direction
- Specifies whether to search
forward or backward from the starting
location of the search. To search forward
use the SEARCH_FORWARD constant. To search
backward use the SEARCH_BACKWARD constant.ECLErr
- Thrown if the position specified is out of range.SearchText(java.lang.String, int)
SearchText(java.lang.String, int, int)
public int SearchString(java.lang.String text, int row, int column, int direction) throws ECLErr
The method allows both forward and backward searches. If a forward search is specified, the search begins at the given coordinates (inclusive) and ends at the end of the presentation space. If a backward search is specified, the search begins at the given coordinates (inclusive) and ends at the beginning of the presentation space.
The method returns the linear position of the found string or zero if the string is not found. The linear position can be converted to row and column coordinates using the ConvertPosToRow() and ConvertPosToCol() methods.
Note: SearchString functions identically to SearchText when the given search string contains no DBCS characters.
See Text Plane in Appendix B. Host Access Class Library Planes -- Format and Content for more information on the representation of DBCS characters in the text plane.
- The string to search for.row
- Starting row.column
- Starting column.direction
- Specifies whether to search
forward or backward from the starting
location of the search. To search forward
use the SEARCH_FORWARD constant. To search
backward use the SEARCH_BACKWARD constant.ECLErr
- Thrown if the position specified is out of
range.SearchString(java.lang.String, int)
SearchString(java.lang.String, int, int)
public int SearchText(java.lang.String text, int position, int direction)
The method returns the linear position of the found string or zero if the string is not found. The linear position can be converted to row and column coordinates using the ConvertPosToRow() and ConvertPosToCol() methods.
- The string to search for.position
- Starting linear position.direction
- Specifies whether to search
forward or backward from the starting
location of the search. To search forward
use the SEARCH_FORWARD constant. To search
backward use the SEARCH_BACKWARD constant.SearchText(java.lang.String, int)
SearchText(java.lang.String, int, int, int)
public int SearchString(java.lang.String text, int position, int direction)
The method allows both forward and backward searches. If a forward search is specified, the search begins at the given linear position (inclusive) and ends at the end of the presentation space. If a backward search is specified, the search begins at the given linear position (inclusive) and ends at the beginning of the presentation space.
The method returns the linear position of the found string or zero if the string is not found. The linear position can be converted to row and column coordinates using the ConvertPosToRow() and ConvertPosToCol() methods.
Note: SearchString functions identically to SearchText when the given search string contains no DBCS characters.
See Text Plane in Appendix B. Host Access Class Library Planes -- Format and Content for more information on the representation of DBCS characters in the text plane.
- The string to search for.position
- Starting linear position.direction
- Specifies whether to search
forward or backward from the starting
location of the search. To search forward
use the SEARCH_FORWARD constant. To search
backward use the SEARCH_BACKWARD constant.SearchString(java.lang.String, int)
SearchString(java.lang.String, int, int, int)
public int GetScreen(char[] buffer, int bufferLength, int plane) throws ECLErr
The application must supply a buffer for the returned data and the length of the buffer. Data is returned starting from the beginning of the presentation space and continuing until the buffer is full or the entire plane has been copied. For text plane data, the buffer must include one extra position for the terminating null character.
- An array of characters that contains the
returned data.bufferLength
- The length of the buffer.plane
- The plane to return. The valid values follow:
- Thrown if the buffer parameter is null, or if the
plane parameter is incorrect.GetScreen(char[], int, int, int, int)
GetScreen(char[], int, int, int, int, int)
public int GetString(char[] buffer, int bufferLength) throws ECLErr
The application must supply a buffer for the returned data and the length of the buffer. Data is returned starting from the beginning of the presentation space and continuing until the buffer is full or the entire text plane has been copied. The buffer must include one extra position for the addition of a terminating null character.
Note: GetString functions identically to GetScreen(char[], int, TEXT_PLANE) when the text plane contains no DBCS characters.
See Text Plane in Appendix B. Host Access Class Library Planes -- Format and Content for more information on the representation of DBCS characters in the text plane.
- An array of characters that contains the
returned data.bufferLength
- The length of the buffer.ECLErr
- Thrown if the buffer parameter is null.GetString(char[], int, int, int)
GetString(char[], int, int, int, int)
public int GetScreen(char[] buffer, int bufferLength, int row, int col, int length, int plane) throws ECLErr
The application must supply a buffer for the returned data and the length of the buffer. Data is returned starting from the given coordinates and continuing until the specified number of characters have been copied, the buffer is full, or the entire plane has been copied. For text plane data, the buffer must include one extra position for the terminating null character.
- An array of characters that contains the
returned data.bufferLength
- The length of the buffer.row
- The starting row.column
- The starting column.length
- The number of characters to copy.plane
- The plane to return. The valid values follow:
- Thrown if the buffer parameter is null, if the
plane parameter is incorrect, or if the
position given is out of range.GetScreen(char[], int, int)
GetScreen(char[], int, int, int, int)
public int GetString(char[] buffer, int bufferLength, int row, int col, int length) throws ECLErr
The application must supply a buffer for the returned data and the length of the buffer. Data is returned starting from the given coordinates and continuing until the specified number of plane positions have been copied, the buffer is full, or the entire text plane has been copied. The buffer must include one extra position for the addition of a terminating null character. Note that a DBCS character occupies two plane positions.
Note: GetString functions identically to GetScreen(char[], int, int, int, int, TEXT_PLANE) when the text plane contains no DBCS characters.
See Text Plane in Appendix B. Host Access Class Library Planes -- Format and Content for more information on the representation of DBCS characters in the text plane.
- An array of characters that contains the
returned data.bufferLength
- The length of the buffer.row
- The starting row.column
- The starting column.length
- The number of plane positions to copy.ECLErr
- Thrown if the buffer parameter is null or if
the position given is out of range.GetString(char[], int)
GetString(char[], int, int, int)
public int GetScreen(char[] buffer, int bufferLength, int position, int length, int plane) throws ECLErr
The application must supply a buffer for the returned data and the length of the buffer. Data is returned starting from the given position and continuing until the specified number of characters have been copied, the buffer is full or the entire plane has been copied. For text plane data, the buffer must include one extra position for the terminating null character.
- An array of characters which contains the
returned data.bufferLength
- The length of the buffer.position
- The starting position.length
- The number of characters to copy.plane
- The plane to return. The valid values follow:
- Thrown if the buffer parameter is null, if the
plane parameter is incorrect.java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
- Runtime exception thrown if position
given is out of range, bufferLength is not greater than
0 and length is not greater than 0.GetScreen(char[], int, int)
GetScreen(char[], int, int, int, int, int)
public int GetString(char[] buffer, int bufferLength, int position, int length) throws ECLErr
The application must supply a buffer for the returned data and the length of the buffer. Data is returned starting from the given coordinates and continuing until the specified number of plane positions have been copied, the buffer is full, or the entire text plane has been copied. The buffer must include one extra position for the addition of a terminating null character. Note that a DBCS character occupies two plane positions.
Note: GetString functions identically to GetScreen(char[], int, int, int, TEXT_PLANE) when the text plane contains no DBCS characters.
See Text Plane in Appendix B. Host Access Class Library Planes -- Format and Content for more information on the representation of DBCS characters in the text plane.
- An array of characters that contains the
returned data.bufferLength
- The length of the buffer.position
- The starting position.length
- The number of plane positions to copy.ECLErr
- Thrown if the buffer parameter is null or if
the position given is out of range.GetString(char[], int)
GetString(char[], int, int, int, int)
public int GetScreenRect(char[] buffer, int bufferLength, int startPos, int endPos, int plane) throws ECLErr
The application supplies two positions that represent opposing corners of a rectangle within the presentation space. The starting and ending positions can have any spatial relationship to each other. The data returned starts from the row containing the upper-most point to the row containing the lower-most point, and from the left-most column to the right-most column.
The specified buffer must be at least large enough to contain the number of characters in the rectangle. If the buffer is too small, no data is copied and zero is returned by the method. Otherwise, the method returns the number of characters copied.
- An array of characters that contains the
returned data.bufferLength
- The length of the buffer.startPos
- One corner of the rectangle.endPos
- The opposite corner of the rectangle.plane
- The plane to return. The valid values follow:
- Thrown if the buffer parameter is null, if the plane
parameter is incorrect or if either of the positions
specified is not within the plane.GetScreenRect(char[], int, int, int, int, int, int)
public int GetScreenRect(char[] buffer, int bufferLength, int startRow, int startCol, int endRow, int endCol, int plane) throws ECLErr
The application supplies two coordinates that represent opposing corners of a rectangle within the presentation space. The starting and ending coordinates can have any spatial relationship to each other. The data returned starts from the row containing the upper-most point to the row containing the lower-most point, and from the left-most column to the right-most column.
The specified buffer must be at least large enough to contain the number of characters in the rectangle. If the buffer is too small, no data is copied and zero is returned by the method. Otherwise, the method returns the number of characters copied.
- An array of characters that contains the
returned data.bufferLength
- The length of the buffer.startRow
- Starting row of the rectangle.startCol
- Starting column of the rectangle.endRow
- Ending row of the rectangle.endCol
- Ending column of the rectangle.plane
- The plane to return. The valid values follow:
- Thrown if the buffer parameter is null, if the plane
parameter is incorrect or if either of the positions
specified is not within the plane.GetScreenRect(char[], int, int, int, int)
public void SetText(java.lang.String text) throws ECLErr
- String to place in the presentation space.ECLErr
- Thrown if the text parameter is null.SetText(java.lang.String, int)
SetText(java.lang.String, int, int)
public void BadgeReader(java.lang.String text) throws ECLErr
- String to place in the presentation space.ECLErr
- Thrown if the position is not valid.BadgeReader(java.lang.String, int)
BadgeReader(java.lang.String, int, int)
public void MagStripeReader(java.lang.String text) throws ECLErr
- String to place in the presentation space.ECLErr
- Thrown if the position is not valid.MagStripeReader(java.lang.String, int)
MagStripeReader(java.lang.String, int, int)
public void SetString(java.lang.String text) throws ECLErr
The modified string will overlay only unprotected fields, and any parts of the string which fall over protected fields will be discarded.
Note: SetString functions identically to SetText when the text plane contains no DBCS characters.
See Text Plane in Appendix B. Host Access Class Library Planes -- Format and Content for more information on the representation of DBCS characters in the text plane.
- String to place in the presentation space.ECLErr
- Thrown if the text parameter is null.SetString(java.lang.String, int)
SetString(java.lang.String, int, int)
public void SetText(java.lang.String text, int pos) throws ECLErr
- String to place in the presentation space.pos
- Linear position where the string should be
- Thrown if the text parameter is null or
if the position is not valid.SetText(java.lang.String)
SetText(java.lang.String, int, int)
public void BadgeReader(java.lang.String text, int pos) throws ECLErr
- String to place in the presentation space.pos
- Linear position where the Protected NonDisplay
Attribute should be written.ECLErr
- Thrown if the position is not valid.BadgeReader(java.lang.String)
BadgeReader(java.lang.String, int, int)
public void MagStripeReader(java.lang.String text, int pos) throws ECLErr
- String to place in the presentation space.pos
- Linear position where the Protected NonDisplay
Attribute should be written.ECLErr
- Thrown if the position is not valid.MagStripeReader(java.lang.String)
MagStripeReader(java.lang.String, int, int)
public void SetString(java.lang.String text, int pos) throws ECLErr
The modified string will overlay only unprotected fields, and any parts of the string which fall over protected fields will be discarded.
Note: SetString functions identically to SetText when the text plane contains no DBCS characters.
See Text Plane in Appendix B. Host Access Class Library Planes -- Format and Content for more information on the representation of DBCS characters in the text plane.
- String to place in the presentation space.pos
- Linear position where the string should be
- Thrown if the text parameter is null or
if the position is not valid.SetString(java.lang.String, int)
SetString(java.lang.String, int, int)
public void SetText(java.lang.String text, int row, int column) throws ECLErr
- String to place in the presentation space.row
- Starting row where the string should be
- Starting column where the string should be
- Thrown if the text parameter is null or
if the position is not valid.SetText(java.lang.String)
SetText(java.lang.String, int)
public void BadgeReader(java.lang.String text, int row, int column) throws ECLErr
- String to place in the presentation space.row
- Starting row where the Protected NonDisplay
Attribute should be written.column
- Starting column where the Protected NonDisplay
Attribute should be written.ECLErr
- Thrown if the position is not valid.BadgeReader(java.lang.String)
BadgeReader(java.lang.String, int)
public void MagStripeReader(java.lang.String text, int row, int column) throws ECLErr
- String to place in the presentation space.row
- Starting row where the Protected NonDisplay
Attribute should be written.column
- Starting column where the Protected NonDisplay
Attribute should be written.ECLErr
- Thrown if the position is not valid.MagStripeReader(java.lang.String)
MagStripeReader(java.lang.String, int)
public void SetString(java.lang.String text, int row, int column) throws ECLErr
The modified string will overlay only unprotected fields, and any parts of the string which fall over protected fields will be discarded.
Note: SetString functions identically to SetText when the text plane contains no DBCS characters.
See Text Plane in Appendix B. Host Access Class Library Planes -- Format and Content for more information on the representation of DBCS characters in the text plane.
- String to place in the presentation space.row
- Starting row where the string should be
- Starting column where the string should be
- Thrown if the text parameter is null or
if the position is not valid.SetString(java.lang.String, int)
SetString(java.lang.String, int, int)
public int ConvertPosToRow(int pos) throws ECLErr
- The position to be converted.ECLErr
- Thrown if the position is not greater than
0 and less than the presentation space size.ConvertPosToCol(int)
ConvertRowColToPos(int, int)
public int ConvertPosToCol(int pos) throws ECLErr
- The position to be converted.ECLErr
- Thrown if the position is not greater than
0 and less than the presentation space size.ConvertPosToRow(int)
ConvertRowColToPos(int, int)
public int ConvertRowColToPos(int row, int col) throws ECLErr
- The row of the coordinate.column
- The column of the coordinate.ECLErr
- Thrown if the coordinates are not within
the presentation space boundaries.ConvertPosToRow(int)
public void RegisterPSEvent(ECLPSNotify notify) throws ECLErr
Use RegisterPSEvent(ECLPSListener listener).
ECLPSNotify objects can be unregistered using the UnregisterPSEvent() method.
- ECLPSNotify object which is notified when
events occur.ECLErr
- Thrown if the notify parameter is null.UnregisterPSEvent(com.ibm.eNetwork.ECL.ECLPSNotify)
public void RegisterPSEvent(ECLPSListener listener)
- ECLPSListener object which is notified when
events occur.java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
- Runtime exception thrown if listener
is null.RegisterPSEvent(com.ibm.eNetwork.ECL.event.ECLPSListener, int)
public void RegisterPSEvent(ECLPSListener listener, int type)
- ECLPSListener object which is notified when
events occur.type
- The type notification events. Valid values
are HOST_EVENTS for notification of host-
generated events, USER_EVENTS for notification
of user- (or API) generated events, and ALL_EVENTS
for notification of both USER_EVENTS and HOST_EVENTS.java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
- Runtime exception thrown if listener
is null.RegisterPSEvent(com.ibm.eNetwork.ECL.event.ECLPSListener)
UnregisterPSEvent(com.ibm.eNetwork.ECL.event.ECLPSListener, int)
public void UnregisterPSEvent(ECLPSNotify notify)
Use UnregisterPSEvent(ECLPSListener listener).
- ECLPSNotify object which should be
public void UnregisterPSEvent(ECLPSListener listener)
- ECLPSListener object which should be
unregistered.UnregisterPSEvent(com.ibm.eNetwork.ECL.event.ECLPSListener, int)
public void UnregisterPSEvent(ECLPSListener listener, int type)
- ECLPSListener object which should be
- The type notification events. Valid values
are HOST_EVENTS for notification of host-
generated events, USER_EVENTS for notification
of user- (or API) generated events, and ALL_EVENTS
for notification of both USER_EVENTS and HOST_EVENTS.UnregisterPSEvent(com.ibm.eNetwork.ECL.event.ECLPSListener)
RegisterPSEvent(com.ibm.eNetwork.ECL.event.ECLPSListener, int)
public boolean WaitForAttrib(int row, int col, char attrib, int plane) throws ECLErr, java.lang.InterruptedException
Note: The row and col address of a field attribute is one character position before the start of the field. For example, if a field starts at row 16, col 8, the field attribute for that field is located at row 16, col 7. Another method of locating field attributes is to use the Field Plane, available by specifying the FIELD_PLANE parameter on the GetScreen method. For more information on the content of the FIELD PLANE, see Appendix B: Field Plane.
- Cursor row positioncol
- Cursor column positionattrib
- Attribute valueplane
- Plane for attribute. The valid constant values follow:
- Thrown if the position is not valid.java.lang.InterruptedException
- Thrown if interrupted by another thread.WaitForAttrib(int, int, char, int, long, boolean)
public boolean WaitForAttrib(int row, int col, char attrib, int plane, long timeOut, boolean waitForInput) throws ECLErr, java.lang.InterruptedException
Note: The row and col address of a field attribute is one character position before the start of the field. For example, if a field starts at row 16, col 8, the field attribute for that field is located at row 16, col 7. Another method of locating field attributes is to use the Field Plane, available by specifying the FIELD_PLANE parameter on the GetScreen method. For more information on the content of the FIELD PLANE, see Appendix B: Field Plane.
- Cursor row positioncol
- Cursor column positionattrib
- Attribute valueplane
- Plane for attribute. The valid constant values follow:
- Indicates wait time (milliseconds)waitForInput
- If true, will wait until OIA indicates
PS is ready for input.ECLErr
- Thrown if the position is not valid.java.lang.InterruptedException
- Thrown if interrupted by another thread.WaitForAttrib(int, int, char, int)
public boolean WaitForCursor(int row, int col) throws java.lang.InterruptedException
- Cursor row positioncol
- Cursor column positionjava.lang.InterruptedException
- Thrown if interrupted by another thread.WaitForCursor(int, int, long, boolean)
public boolean WaitForCursor(int row, int col, long timeOut, boolean waitForInput) throws java.lang.InterruptedException
- Cursor row positioncol
- Cursor column positiontimeOut
- Indicates wait time (milliseconds)waitForInput
- If true, will wait until OIA indicates
PS is ready for input.java.lang.InterruptedException
- Thrown if interrupted by another thread.WaitForCursor(int, int)
public boolean WaitForScreen(ECLScreenDesc screenDesc) throws ECLErr, java.lang.InterruptedException
- Object that describes the screenECLErr
- Thrown if the ECLScreenDesc values are not valid.java.lang.InterruptedException
- Thrown if interrupted by another thread.WaitForScreen(com.ibm.eNetwork.ECL.ECLScreenDesc, long)
public boolean WaitForScreen(ECLScreenDesc screenDesc, long timeOut) throws ECLErr, java.lang.InterruptedException
- Object that describes the screentimeOut
- Indicates wait time (milliseconds)ECLErr
- Thrown if the ECLScreenDesc values are not valid.java.lang.InterruptedException
- Thrown if interrupted by another thread.WaitForScreen(com.ibm.eNetwork.ECL.ECLScreenDesc)
public boolean WaitForString(java.lang.String str) throws java.lang.InterruptedException
- String to wait forjava.lang.InterruptedException
- Thrown if interrupted by another thread.WaitForString(java.lang.String, int, int)
WaitForString(java.lang.String, int, int, long, boolean, boolean)
public boolean WaitForString(java.lang.String str, int row, int col) throws java.lang.InterruptedException
- String to wait forrow
- Starting row positioncol
- Starting column positionjava.lang.InterruptedException
- Thrown if interrupted by another thread.WaitForString(java.lang.String)
WaitForString(java.lang.String, int, int, long, boolean, boolean)
public boolean WaitForString(java.lang.String str, int row, int col, long timeOut, boolean waitForInput, boolean caseSensitive) throws java.lang.InterruptedException
- String to wait forrow
- Starting row positioncol
- Starting column positiontimeOut
- Indicates wait time (milliseconds)waitForInput
- If true, will wait until OIA indicates
PS is ready for input.caseSensitive
- If true, String wait will be case sensitivejava.lang.InterruptedException
- Thrown if interrupted by another thread.WaitForString(java.lang.String)
WaitForString(java.lang.String, int, int)
public boolean WaitForStringInRect(java.lang.String str, int sRow, int sCol, int eRow, int eCol) throws java.lang.InterruptedException
- String to wait forsRow
- Upper left rectangle corner row positionsCol
- Upper left rectangle corner column positioneRow
- Lower right rectangle corner row positioneCol
- Lower right rectangle corner column positionjava.lang.InterruptedException
- Thrown if interrupted by another thread.WaitForStringInRect(java.lang.String, int, int, int, int, long, boolean, boolean)
public boolean WaitForStringInRect(java.lang.String str, int sRow, int sCol, int eRow, int eCol, long timeOut, boolean waitForInput, boolean caseSensitive) throws java.lang.InterruptedException
- String to wait forsRow
- Upper left rectangle corner row positionsCol
- Upper left rectangle corner column positioneRow
- Lower right rectangle corner row positioneCol
- Lower right rectangle corner column positiontimeOut
- Indicates wait time (milliseconds)waitForInput
- If true, will wait until OIA indicates
PS is ready for input.caseSensitive
- If true, String wait will be case sensitivejava.lang.InterruptedException
- Thrown if interrupted by another thread.WaitForStringInRect(java.lang.String, int, int, int, int)
public boolean WaitWhileAttrib(int row, int col, char attrib, int plane) throws ECLErr, java.lang.InterruptedException
Note: The row and col address of a field attribute is one character position before the start of the field. For example, if a field starts at row 16, col 8, the field attribute for that field is located at row 16, col 7. Another method of locating field attributes is to use the Field Plane, available by specifying the FIELD_PLANE parameter on the GetScreen method. For more information on the content of the FIELD PLANE, see Appendix B: Field Plane.
- Cursor row positioncol
- Cursor column positionattrib
- Attribute valueplane
- Plane for attributeECLErr
- Thrown if a parameter value is not valid.java.lang.InterruptedException
- Thrown if interrupted by another thread.WaitWhileAttrib(int, int, char, int, long, boolean)
public boolean WaitWhileAttrib(int row, int col, char attrib, int plane, long timeOut, boolean waitForInput) throws ECLErr, java.lang.InterruptedException
Note: The row and col address of a field attribute is one character position before the start of the field. For example, if a field starts at row 16, col 8, the field attribute for that field is located at row 16, col 7. Another method of locating field attributes is to use the Field Plane, available by specifying the FIELD_PLANE parameter on the GetScreen method. For more information on the content of the FIELD PLANE, see Appendix B: Field Plane.
- Cursor row positioncol
- Cursor column positionattrib
- Attribute valueplane
- Plane for attribute. The valid constant values follow:
- Indicates wait time (milliseconds)waitForInput
- If true, will wait until OIA indicatesECLErr
- Thrown if a parameter value is not valid.java.lang.InterruptedException
- Thrown if interrupted by another thread.WaitWhileAttrib(int, int, char, int)
public boolean WaitWhileCursor(int row, int col) throws java.lang.InterruptedException
- Cursor row positioncol
- Cursor column positionjava.lang.InterruptedException
- Thrown if interrupted by another thread.WaitWhileCursor(int, int, long, boolean)
public boolean WaitWhileCursor(int row, int col, long timeOut, boolean waitForInput) throws java.lang.InterruptedException
- Cursor row positioncol
- Cursor column positiontimeOut
- Indicates wait time (milliseconds)waitForInput
- If true, will wait until OIA indicates
PS is ready for input.java.lang.InterruptedException
- Thrown if interrupted by another thread.WaitWhileCursor(int, int)
public boolean WaitWhileScreen(ECLScreenDesc screenDesc) throws ECLErr, java.lang.InterruptedException
- Object that describes the screenECLErr
- Thrown if ECLScreenDesc contains a value that is not valid.java.lang.InterruptedException
- Thrown if interrupted by another thread.WaitWhileScreen(com.ibm.eNetwork.ECL.ECLScreenDesc, long)
public boolean WaitWhileScreen(ECLScreenDesc screenDesc, long timeOut) throws ECLErr, java.lang.InterruptedException
- Object that describes the screentimeOut
- Indicates wait time (milliseconds)ECLErr
- Thrown if ECLScreenDesc contains a value that is not valid.java.lang.InterruptedException
- Thrown if interrupted by another thread.WaitWhileScreen(com.ibm.eNetwork.ECL.ECLScreenDesc)
public boolean WaitWhileString(java.lang.String str) throws java.lang.InterruptedException
- String to wait onjava.lang.InterruptedException
- Thrown if interrupted by another thread.WaitWhileString(java.lang.String, int, int)
WaitWhileString(java.lang.String, int, int, long, boolean, boolean)
public boolean WaitWhileString(java.lang.String str, int row, int col) throws java.lang.InterruptedException
- String to wait forrow
- Starting row positioncol
- Starting column positionjava.lang.InterruptedException
- Thrown if interrupted by another thread.WaitWhileString(java.lang.String)
WaitWhileString(java.lang.String, int, int, long, boolean, boolean)
public boolean WaitWhileString(java.lang.String str, int row, int col, long timeOut, boolean waitForInput, boolean caseSensitive) throws java.lang.InterruptedException
- String to wait forrow
- Starting row positioncol
- Starting column positiontimeOut
- Indicates wait time (milliseconds)waitForInput
- If true, will wait until OIA indicates
PS is ready for input.caseSensitive
- If true, String wait will be case sensitivejava.lang.InterruptedException
- Thrown if interrupted by another thread.WaitWhileString(java.lang.String)
WaitWhileString(java.lang.String, int, int)
public boolean WaitWhileStringInRect(java.lang.String str, int sRow, int sCol, int eRow, int eCol) throws java.lang.InterruptedException
- String to wait onsRow
- Upper left rectangle corner row positionsCol
- Upper left rectangle corner column positioneRow
- Lower right rectangle corner row positioneCol
- Lower right rectangle corner column positionjava.lang.InterruptedException
- Thrown if interrupted by another thread.WaitWhileStringInRect(java.lang.String, int, int, int, int, long, boolean, boolean)
public boolean WaitWhileStringInRect(java.lang.String str, int sRow, int sCol, int eRow, int eCol, long timeOut, boolean waitForInput, boolean caseSensitive) throws java.lang.InterruptedException
- String to wait onsRow
- Upper left rectangle corner row positionsCol
- Upper left rectangle corner column positioneRow
- Lower right rectangle corner row positioneCol
- Lower right rectangle corner column positiontimeOut
- Indicates wait time (milliseconds)waitForInput
- If true, will wait until OIA indicates
PS is ready for input.caseSensitive
- If true, String wait will be case sensitivejava.lang.InterruptedException
- Thrown if interrupted by another thread.WaitWhileStringInRect(java.lang.String, int, int, int, int)
public ECLFieldList GetFieldList() throws ECLErr
This signature builds a field list with only TEXT plane information for each field object.
- Thrown if the planes parameter is not valid or an
error building the field list.GetFieldList(int)
public ECLFieldList GetFieldList(int planes) throws ECLErr
This signature builds a field list with the information from the specified planes for each field object.
- The planes to update. The valid values
follow and can be ORed together:
- Thrown if the planes parameter is not valid.GetFieldList()
public void setSize(int nRows, int nColumns)
public boolean IsDBCSChar(int Sba)
public boolean IsDBCS2ndChar(int Sba)
public boolean IsSIChar(int Sba)
public boolean isScreenReversed()
public ECLPSBIDIServices GetPSBIDIServices()
public PSVTBIDIServices GetPSVTBIDIServices()
public ECLPSTHAIServices GetPSTHAIServices()
public void SetCursorVisible(boolean bVisible)
- Used to set cursor to be visible or invisiblepublic boolean GetCursorVisible()
public boolean IsSuppressClearEvent()
This is an advanced feature and the default is false. It is possible that an ill-behaved host application can send a clear command then an end of record indicator in the data stream. If this property is set to false, a PS event is generated when really no screen has arrived from the host.
public void SetSuppressClearEvent(boolean argVal)
This is an advanced feature and the default is false. It is possible that an ill-behaved host application can send a clear command then an end of record indicator in the data stream. If this property is set to false, a PS event is generated when really no screen has arrived from the host.
- if true, system ignores clear screen commands followed by
end of record indicators