The field plane represents the field positions and their attributes in the presentation space. This plane is meaningful only for field-formatted presentation spaces. (For example, VT connections are not formatted).
This plane is a sparse array of field attribute values. All values in this plane are binary zero except for where field attribute characters are present in the presentation space. At those positions, the values are the attributes of the field which starts at that location. The length of a field is the linear distance between the field attribute position and the next field attribute in the presentation space, not including the attribute position itself.
The values of the field attribute positions are as shown in the following tables.
Note: Attribute values are different for different types of connections.
Table 2. 3270 Field Attributes
Bit Position (0 is least significant bit) |
Meaning |
7 | Always 1 |
6 | Always 1 |
5 |
4 |
3, 2 |
1 | Reserved |
0 |
Table 3. 5250 Field Attributes
Bit Position (0 is least significant bit) |
Meaning |
7 | Always 1 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3, 2, 1 |
0 |
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