
What's in this guide?


Other resources

Contacting Rational technical publications

Contacting Rational technical support

Installing the products


Step 1: Obtaining a license for your Rational product

About licenses

Information you need for AccountLink

Obtaining a .upd file using AccountLink

Step 2: Installing your Rational product

Information you need for rs_install

Installing the products using rs_install

Answers to questions about rs_install

Step 3: Post-installation configuration tasks

Checking and adjusting your configuration

Maintaining the rational.opt options file

Modifying the list of user names

Removing a previous product release

Requesting and installing the permanent or TLA license key

Requesting your permanent or TLA license key

Entering a permanent or TLA license key after initial installation

Supplemental notes

Creating an installation directory manually

Mounting the CD-ROM

Ejecting the CD-ROM

Using rs_install commands

Using the FLEXlm Software License Manager

Using Rational Purify

Rational Purify: What it does

Finding errors in Hello World

Instrumenting a program

Compiling and linking in separate stages

Running the instrumented program

Seeing all your errors at a glance

Finding and correcting errors

Understanding the cause of the error

Correcting the ABR error

Finding leaked memory

Correcting the MLK error

Looking at the heap analysis

Comparing program runs

Suppressing Purify messages

Saving Purify output to a view file

Saving a run to a view file from the Viewer

Opening a view file

Using your debugger with Purify

Using Purify with PureCoverage

Purify API functions

Build-time options

Conversion characters for filenames

Runtime options

Purify messages

How Purify finds memory-access errors

How Purify checks statically allocated memory

Using Rational PureCoverage

Rational PureCoverage: What it does

Finding untested Java Code

Finding untested C/C++ code

Instrumenting a C/C++ program

Running the instrumented C/C++ program

Displaying C/C++ coverage data

Improving Hello World's test coverage

Viewing UNIX coverage data on Windows

Using report scripts

PureCoverage options

Build-time options

Runtime options

Analysis-time options

Analysis-time mode options

Using Rational Quantify

Rational Quantify: What it does

How Quantify works: C/C++

How Quantify works: Java

Collecting performance data: C/C++

Interpreting the program summary: C/C++

Collecting performance data: Java

Interpreting the program summary: Java

Using Quantify's data analysis windows

The Function List window

Sorting the function list

Restricting functions

The Call Graph window

Using the pop-up menu

Expanding and collapsing descendants

The Function Detail window

Changing the scale and precision of data

Saving function detail data

The Annotated Source window

Changing annotations

Saving performance data on exit

Comparing program runs with qxdiff

Quantify options

Build-time options

qv runtime options

Runtime options

API functions: C/C++

API methods: Java

Copyright © 1992-2003 Rational Software Corporation. All rights reserved.