10.1 VOB Storage Management

VOB storage grows in proportion to the number of developers using the VOB and the rate at which they create and change the data under ClearCase LT control. Much of this data needs to be preserved, often for an extended period. But some of it loses value quickly and can be safely removed from the VOB. Rational ClearCase LT provides tools that perform the following tasks:

You can use any or all of these tools to keep VOB storage requirements to a practical minimum.

Figure 17 shows how VOB storage pools and VOB databases grow in regular use; it also lists the maintenance commands (scrubbers) that control growth of these storage areas.

Figure 17 Controlling VOB Growth

Monitoring VOB Storage

ClearCase LT provides command line and GUI tools that display information about disk space used by VOBs.

Using the Scheduler

The ClearCase LT scheduler runs several jobs that gather data about disk space used by VOBs and that can reclaim excess disk space used by local VOBs:

In their default configuration, many of these jobs do little or nothing. (For example, the daily VOB space monitoring job does not gather statistics on any VOB until it has been configured to do so.) We recommend reviewing the list of scheduled jobs and enabling all of the ones your VOB storage management routine requires. For more information on the ClearCase LT scheduler, see Chapter 16, Managing Scheduled Jobs.