
Reports on disk space use for views, VOBs, or file-system files or directories



Command Type


cleartool subcommand

ClearCase LT

cleartool subcommand







space { -vie·w | -vob } [ -a·ll ] [ -upd·ate ] [ -reg·ion network-region ]

{ -host hostname | tag ... }
space { -vie·w | -vob } [ -a·ll ] [ -upd·ate ]
space -dir·ectory pname ...
space { -vie·w | -vob } -gen·erate [ -scr·ub days ] [ tag ... ]


The space command displays data on disk space use for views, VOBs, or file-system files or directories. Reports are organized by disk partition, with disk-use statistics listed both in absolute units (megabytes) and as a percentage of the capacity of the disk partition containing the storage directory.

With the -view or -vob option, space uses by default previously generated, cached data for a view or VOB. The -update option generates fresh data and updates the cache before displaying the report. With the -directory option, space does not use cached data.

The -generate option is intended for use by scheduled jobs. By default, the scheduler periodically runs space with the -generate option to generate and cache data on disk space use for all local views and VOBs. See the schedule reference page for information on describing and changing scheduled jobs.

NOTE TO WINDOWS USERS: On Windows 95 and Windows 98 machines, output from the space command is incorrect for disk volumes larger than 2 GB. The total file-system size is limited to 2048 MB, and the in-use value for the file system is wrong.


Identities: For the -update option, you must have Change or Full access in the scheduler ACL on the host where each VOB storage directory resides (ClearCase and Attache), or the same access in the scheduler ACL on the ClearCase LT server host (ClearCase LT). See the schedule reference page.

For -vob -generate, you must have one of the following identities:

For -view -generate, you must have one of the following identities:

Locks: No locks apply.

Mastership: (Replicated VOBs) No mastership restrictions.


SPECIFYING THE DATA STRUCTURES.  Default: If no -view, -vob, or -directory option is specified, the default is -vob. For the -generate option with no specified view or VOB tag, the default for is all local views or VOBs (ClearCase and Attache), or all views or VOBs (ClearCase LT).


ClearCase and Attache-Reports on one or more views, identified either as those whose storage directories reside on the host specified by -host or as those indicated by the specified tags.
ClearCase LT-Reports on all views.

ClearCase and Attache-Reports on one or more VOBs, identified either as those whose storage directories reside on the host specified by -host or as those indicated by the specified tags.
ClearCase LT-Reports on all VOBs.
-host hostname

Reports on all views or VOBs whose storage directories reside on the specified host.
tag ...

One or more tags, interpreted as view tags if you specify -view or as VOB-tags if you specify -vob. Each tag must be valid in the region specified by -region.
-reg·ion network-region

Specifies the network region in which each tag resides. The default is the region of the local host.
-dir·ectory pname ...

One or more pathnames, specifying files or directories in a file system. On Windows 9.X systems, space my be incorrectly reported as a negative value if the disk size is greater than 2GB.

REPORT FORMAT.  Default: In a report on a view or VOB storage directory, storage items that are known to be small are not listed. (The contribution of these files is still included in the disk-use total.)


In addition to the default report, lists storage items known to be small, such as .identity (UNIX) and .pid.



Computes and caches data on disk-space use at the time the command is issued, instead of using cached data, and then displays a report. The computation can take a few minutes.



Computes and caches data on disk space use at the time the command is issued but does not display a report. The computation can take a few minutes. This option is intended to be used by periodic jobs run by the scheduler.
ClearCase and Attache-The VOB or view storage directories for all specified VOBs or views must reside on the local host. If no tag argument is specified, the command generates data for all VOBs or views on the local host.
-scr·ub days

Deletes cached records of data on disk space use that are older than the specified number of days. A value of -1 deletes cached records other than the one generated by the current invocation of the command, if any. Although most records are deleted, one data set per month is retained for historical purposes. This option is intended to be used in conjunction with the -generate option by periodic jobs run by the scheduler. The default scheduled job specifies a value of 30 for the -scrub option.


The UNIX examples in this section are written for use in csh. If you use another shell, you may need to use different quoting and escaping conventions.

The Windows examples that include wildcards or quoting are written for use in cleartool interactive mode. If you use cleartool single-command mode, you may need to change the wildcards and quoting to make your command interpreter process the command appropriately.

In cleartool single-command mode, cmd-context represents the UNIX shell or Windows command interpreter prompt, followed by the cleartool command. In cleartool interactive mode, cmd-context represents the interactive cleartool prompt. In Attache, cmd-context represents the workspace prompt.

NOTE: In the UNIX examples that follow, arguments and output that show multicomponent VOB tags are not applicable to ClearCase LT, which recognizes only single-component VOB tags. In this manual, a multicomponent VOB tag is by convention a two-component VOB tag of the form /vobs/vob-tag-leaf-for example, /vobs/src. A single-component VOB tag consists of a leaf only-for example, /src. In all other respects, the examples are valid for ClearCase LT.


dospace, mkview, mkvob, reformatvob, schedule, df(1M), du(1M)