7.5 Creating a VOB

Follow these steps to plan and create each new VOB:

  1. Log on to the ClearCase LT server. If possible, log on as a user who is a member of the same primary group as all other users who will need access to the VOB.

  2. NOTE: The identity of the user who creates a VOB (user ID, primary group, and umask on UNIX; user ID and primary group on Windows) is used to initialize VOB access permissions. If a VOB is created by a user whose primary group is not the same as the primary group of other users who must access the VOB, you will need to edit the VOB's supplementary group list before those users can access VOB data. See also the protect and protectvob reference pages.

  3. Choose a location for the VOB storage directory. You can use an existing server storage location, create a new server storage location, or use any other directory that has the proper characteristics for good VOB storage as described in Creating VOB Storage Locations.

  4. Create the VOB. This example explains how to create a VOB using the cleartool command line. You can also create VOBs using various GUI tools on UNIX or Windows.

  5. The following command creates a VOB on Windows with the VOB-tag flex whose storage is in the directory shared as vobstore on a ClearCase LT server named pluto, and then returns location and ownership information about the newly created VOB.

    cleartool mkvob -tag \flex \\pluto\vobstore\flex.vbs

    Host-local path: c:\vobstore\flex.vbs
    Global path: \\pluto\vobstore\flex.vbs

    VOB ownership:
    owner vobadm
    group dvt

    Whenever you create a VOB, you are prompted to enter a comment, which is stored in an event record (as the event "create versioned object base") in the new VOB's database.

    To create a Unified Change Management Project VOB, which can store UCM objects such as baselines, projects, and streams, add the -ucmproject option when you run mkvob.

In many cases, the VOB-creation process is now complete. The following sections describe special cases and optional adjustments you may want to make to the new VOB.

Linking a VOB to an Administrative VOB

If you want a VOB to use global types defined in an administrative VOB, you must link the client VOB to the administrative VOB. On Windows, if you use the VOB Creation Wizard to create the VOB, you can specify the administrative VOB at the time of VOB creation. To link a VOB to an administrative VOB after you have created the client VOB, see Linking a Client VOB to an Administrative VOB.

Adjusting the VOB's Ownership Information

This section discusses changes that you may need to make to a new VOB's ownership information.

Access-control issues may arise when all prospective users of the VOB do not belong to the same group. (For detailed information on the topic of user identity and ClearCase access rights, see Chapter 3, Understanding ClearCase Access Controls.)

Case 1: One Group for All VOBs, Views, and Users

In organizations where all ClearCase users are members of the same group, all VOBs and views must also belong to the common group. A VOB or view belongs to the principal group of its creator and is fully accessible only to those users who are in the VOB creator's group.

The commands in Step #1-Step #3 here are sufficient to create a VOB in such a situation.

Case 2: Accommodating Multiple User Groups

If your organization has multiple user groups, there are special considerations when members of different groups share a VOB: