7.4 Creating VOB Storage Locations

ClearCase LT server installation creates a default VOB storage location on the ClearCase LT server. You can use this storage location to hold additional VOBs you create after the server setup process is finished. You may also create additional storage locations if you need them.

VOB storage locations should be created on a disk partition on the ClearCase LT server that has plenty of room for VOB database growth and is accessible to all ClearCase LT clients.

For Windows servers, the directory (folder) must be shared. You can control whether a directory is shared by using the Windows net share command or by setting the directory's sharing properties using Windows Explorer.

NOTE: By default, newly created shares have few access restrictions. If you modify the ACL of a share that corresponds to one or more VOB or view storage directories, you must preserve full access rights for all users who need access to the VOB or view. In addition, you must grant full access to the ClearCase administrators group.

See the mkstgloc reference page for more on this topic.