
Reports on VOB disk space used for shared derived objects



Command Type


cleartool subcommand





dospace [ -upd·ate ] [ -sin·ce date-time ] [ -bef·ore date-time ] [ -ref·erences {0,1,n} ]

[ -top number | -a·ll ] [ -siz·e size ] [ -reg·ion network-region ] [ -poo·l pool-name ] vob-tag ...
dospace [ -upd·ate ] -dum·p [ -reg·ion network-region ] vob-tag...
dospace -gen·erate [ -scr·ub days ] [ vob-tag ... ]


The dospace command displays data on VOB disk space used for shared derived objects. The report shows which views refer to shared DOs and shows how much disk space is used by the shared DOs that each view refers to.

You can use this information to identify views that should no longer refer to the DOs. Removing references to the DOs in those views can allow the disk space used by the DOs in the VOB to be reclaimed. When a DO no longer appears in any view, the scrubber utility, usually run as a periodically scheduled job, can remove the DO and its associated storage from the VOB.

The dospace command has a number of options that determine the range of derived objects and views it reports. By default, the command displays total disk space used for DOs in the specified VOBs and then lists the top 10 views in order of disk space used by DOs that appear in those views.

By default, dospace uses previously generated, cached data. The -update option generates fresh data and updates the cache before displaying the report.

The -generate option is intended for use by scheduled jobs. By default, the ClearCase scheduler periodically runs dospace with the -generate option to generate and cache data on disk space used by derived objects for all local VOBs. See the schedule reference page for information on describing and changing scheduled jobs.


Identities: For -generate, you must have one of the following identities:

Locks: No locks apply.

Mastership: (Replicated VOBs only) No mastership restrictions.

Other: With -update, you must have Change or Full access in the ClearCase scheduler ACL on the host where each VOB storage directory resides. See the schedule reference page.



-sin·ce date-time

Restricts the report to DOs that were last accessed at or after date-time. For the format of date-time, see the lshistory reference page.
-bef·ore date-time

Restricts the report to DOs that were last accessed before date-time. For the format of date-time, see the lshistory reference page.

SPECIFYING REFERENCE COUNTS OF DOS IN THE REPORT.   Default: Reports disk space used by DOs with reference counts greater than or equal to 1.

-ref·erences {0,1,n}

Restricts the report to DOs with the specified reference counts. The reference count is the number of views in which a DO appears. A value of n reports on DOs that appear in 2 or more views. Each time the DO is winked in to another view, its reference count is incremented. Each time the DO is deleted from a view, its reference count is decremented.

SPECIFYING NUMBER OF VIEWS IN THE REPORT.   Default: Lists top 10 views in space used.

-top number | -a·ll

Restricts the report to the top number of views (default 10) in amount of VOB disk space used by DOs that appear in those views. The -all option reports all views that have references to DOs in the specified VOBs, subject to any restrictions imposed by other options.


-siz·e size

Restricts the report to those views each of which accounts for at least size kilobytes of VOB disk space used by DOs that appear in that view.

SPECIFYING THE STORAGE POOL.   Default: All derived object pools.

-poo·l pool-name

Restricts disk space data in the report to the derived object storage pool whose name is pool-name.

SPECIFYING THE VOB.   Default: For the -generate option, all local VOBs. Otherwise, no default; you must specify a VOB-tag.

vob-tag ...

One or more VOB-tags specifying the VOBs to report. Each VOB-tag must be valid in the region specified by -region.
-reg·ion network-region

Specifies the network region in which each vob-tag resides. The default is the region of the local host.

REPORTING RAW DATA.   Default: Formatted report data.


Reports data in a raw form, with no filtering options (such as -since or -size) applied. This form is intended for use by user-created scripts or other programs that do advanced data analysis or formatting.

DISPLAYING AND CACHING UP-TO-DATE DATA.   Default: Uses cached data.


Computes and caches data on DO disk space usage at the time the command is issued, instead of using cached data, and then displays a report. The computation can take a significant amount of time.



Computes and caches data on DO disk space used at the time the command is issued but does not display a report. The VOB storage directories for all specified VOBs must reside on the local host. If no vob-tag argument is specified, the command generates data for all VOBs on the local host. The computation can take a significant amount of time. This option is intended to be used by periodic jobs run by the ClearCase scheduler.
-scr·ub days

Deletes cached records of data on DO disk space used that are older than the specified number of days. A value of -1 deletes all cached records other than the one generated by the current invocation of the command, if any. This option is intended to be used in conjunction with the -generate option by periodic jobs run by the ClearCase scheduler. The default scheduled job specifies a value of -1 for the -scrub option.


The UNIX examples in this section are written for use in csh. If you use another shell, you may need to use different quoting and escaping conventions.

The Windows examples that include wildcards or quoting are written for use in cleartool interactive mode. If you use cleartool single-command mode, you may need to change the wildcards and quoting to make your command interpreter process the command appropriately.

In cleartool single-command mode, cmd-context represents the UNIX shell or Windows command interpreter prompt, followed by the cleartool command. In cleartool interactive mode, cmd-context represents the interactive cleartool prompt. In Attache, cmd-context represents the workspace prompt.


schedule, space, Building Software