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Chapter 7

Removing Previous Releases

Once you have installed the latest version of Apex or Summit, and after all users have switched to using it, you can remove the old release to reclaim disk space.

Rational includes an uninstall script in its config directory. You can uninstall the previous release of a product by running this script in the rational_dir directory. This is the directory that contains the subdirectories releases, base, and config.

Before you run uninstall, you must verify that your system startup file has a valid path to the Apex license daemon. See "The License Manager". Open this file and search for the string lmgrd.

If the file contains the following pathname, it is correct:

If the pathname does not look like this, you must change the path.

With the valid path to the Apex license daemon established, you are ready to run uninstall. Running the script with no command line arguments causes it to display the list of products in the releases directory. You will be prompted for the product to uninstall. If there is only one product, you will be asked for confirmation before the uninstall takes place. You must be the installer of the product to uninstall it.


Any base subsystems or COTS products shared by other products will not be uninstalled until the last product using it is uninstalled.

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