If you are accessing Apex or Summit from a file server across the network and you believe that network bottlenecks are degrading their performance, you might be able to improve performance by installing copies of the Apex/Summit binaries on your workstation's local disk. This chapter tells you how.
You still need the full installation of Apex or Summit in a common, network-accessible location. It contains the common base and model library subsystems that are shared by all members of your project.
After you have completed all of the steps to fully install Apex in a common area, you can then copy Apex binaries on individual client workstations.
To make a local copy of Apex or Summit binaries, use this command:
where local_bin is the directory on the client workstation. You must have sufficient disk space to perform the copy operation.
Enter the make_local command and follow any prompts it may give you.
To remove the local copy or to stop using the local copy, run the command:
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