EnumVal shows how to enumerate the markup decls in a DTD Validator.
Building on Windows
Load the xml4c-3_5_1-win32\samples\Projects\Win32\VC6\samples.dsw
Microsoft Visual C++ workspace inside your MSVC IDE. Then
build the project marked EnumVal.
Building on UNIX
cd xml4c-3_5_1-linux/samples
./runConfigure -p<platform> -c<C_compiler> -x<C++_compiler>
cd EnumVal
This will create the object files in the current directory and the executable named
EnumVal in ' xml4c-3_5_1-linux/bin' directory.
To delete all the generated object files and executables, type
gmake clean
Running EnumVal
This program parses a file, then shows how to enumerate the contents of the validator pools.
To run EnumVal, enter the following
EnumVal <XML file>
Here is a sample output from EnumVal
cd xml4c-3_5_1-linux/samples/data
EnumVal personal.xml
Name: personnel
Content Model: (person)+
Name: person
Content Model: (name,email*,url*,link?)
Name:id, Type: ID
Name: name
Content Model: (#PCDATA|family|given)*
Name: email
Content Model: (#PCDATA)*
Name: url
Content Model: EMPTY
Name:href, Type: CDATA
Name: link
Content Model: EMPTY
Name:subordinates, Type: IDREF(S)
Name:manager, Type: IDREF(S)
Name: family
Content Model: (#PCDATA)*
Name: given
Content Model: (#PCDATA)*