

Defines constraints on what data the user can enter into an input form control by binding the input form control to a data type.


Data types can only be associated with xforms:input elements.

Contained by


Attribute Description Type Default Options Use
nodeset The references to the input form control. The value of this attribute must match the value of the ref attribute of the input form control. xs:NCName   required 
required Indicates whether or not the value is required before the instance data is submitted. xs:NCName false()  false(), true() xs:string 
type The type of the data item. Refer to the section entitled Specifying data types in the Specifying data types and validation criteria topic for further information. si:ItemType   mcs:tel, xforms:anyURI, xforms:date, xforms:dateTime, xforms:decimal, xforms:double, xforms:email, xforms:float, forms:string, xforms:time, <custom_type> required 

Attribute groups


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2002/06/xhtml2"
    <xforms:model id="contact">
          <si:item name="email"/>
      <xforms:bind nodeset="email" type="xforms:email"/>
      <xforms:input model="contact" ref="email">
        <xforms:label>Email address:</xforms:label>

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