XForms elements

XDIME 2 makes use of elements from the XForms vocabulary, but not all XForms elements and attributes are included. The namespace prefix used for elements that originate in XForms is xforms: and the namespace declaration is http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms.

XDIME 2 makes use of elements from the XForms vocabulary, but not all XForms elements and attributes are included. The namespace prefix used for elements that originate in XForms is xforms: and the namespace declaration is http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms.

Two elements specific to forms are defined using the si: prefix, and are used as a simple way of providing instance data to initialize a form. The namespace declaration is http://www.volantis.com/xmlns/2006/01/xdime2/si.

There are single node binding attributes that are common to some form elements.


The namespaces http://www.volantis.com/xmlns/2004/06/xdimecp/interim/si and http://www.volantis.com/xmlns/2004/06/xdimecp/si are deprecated.

Name Purpose

Defines constraints on what data the user can enter into an input form control by binding the input form control to a data type.


Combines a set of form controls into a user interface component. By applying theme properties on this element, you can control where form fragmentation occurs, and define or override at runtime the link texts specified on form fragment layouts.


A form control for text input.


Optional element that contains instance data associated with the model element. It is used to supply initial values for forms controls, or to provide additional data to be submitted with the form.


Container for the option values in xforms:select and xforms:select1 elements.


Provides a descriptive label for forms controls.


Represents a form definition, used as a container for elements associated with its submission.


A form control that allows the user to choose a value from a range of values.


Used for input of confidential or sensitive information such as passwords.


A form control that provides for selection of one or more choices from a list of options. You may specify the initial state of the xforms:select control using the comma-separated list of values.


A form control that provides for selection of a single choice from an available list of options; for example, a group of radio buttons.


Associates a specific xforms:submit control with the value to be submitted when there are multiple submit buttons on a form.


Defines the information to submit, where it should be sent, and how to send it.


A form control that initiates submission of the form data for processing.


A form control for larger amounts of text. Multi-line input, such as the body of an message, is an example.


Enables the uploading of binary data in a form. The processing of the file upload is the responsibility of the calling application. The element only results in markup on HTML based protocols.


Provides the option values associated with select controls.


Container for data items used to supply initial values for forms controls, or to provide additional data to be submitted with the form.


Defines an item of instance data that is required if a form control needs to be initialized, or when data not associated with a form control needs to be provided during form submission.

Form attributes

Binding expressions provide the mapping between the data associated with a particular control and the data provided for processing when the form is submitted. The expression is the name of the parameter associated with the control's data when the form is submitted. These parameters appear on the submission URL if the form is submitted using the HTTP GET method, and are hidden if the POST method is used. The methods are specified as attributes on the xforms:submission element.

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