Overriding fragment links

You can use a number of optional XDIME elements to define or override the link texts on fragments at run time. These are values that you might have omitted in the Layout editor because the layout is not always fragmented, or that you set as defaults to be changed in specific contexts.

You can use a number of optional XDIME elements to define or override the link texts on fragments at run time. These are values that you might have omitted in the Layout editor because the layout is not always fragmented, or that you set as defaults to be changed in specific contexts.

You use a single layout element, which must precede all other markup in the canvas. Inside the layout, you use either the dissectingpane, fragment or formfragment elements to set the runtime text values.

In the example the linkText and backLinkText attributes of a fragment override any text values set in the Format Attributes view.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<canvas layoutName="/layout1.mlyt">
    <fragment name="F1" linkText="Your basket"
      backLinkText="Continue shopping">

If the specified fragment does not exist, MCS ignores the override.


In XDIME 2 you use two different methods for fragments and form fragments. Overriding links on dissecting panes is not supported in this release of XDIME 2. See Fragment links in XDIME 2 and Form fragments links in XDIME 2 for details.

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