Working with XDIME

XDIME (XHTML Device Independent Markup Extensions) the original XML vocabulary developed by Antenna Software for use with MCS. The elements partly reflect the usage of tags in languages such as XHTML and WML, though the exact syntax and attributes may not be identical.

XDIME (XHTML Device Independent Markup Extensions) the original XML vocabulary developed by Antenna Software for use with MCS. The elements partly reflect the usage of tags in languages such as XHTML and WML, though the exact syntax and attributes may not be identical.

Additionally there are several groups of elements that are specific to XDIME.

The example contains a canvas, or page, which is bound to a layout in the layoutName. The logo defines an image policy. The layout has three panes. Two panes are defined with pane elements, and a third pane defined with the alternate pane attribute syntax on the paragraph.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <logo pane="logo1" src="/stars.mimg"/>
  <pane name="cpynews">
    <h2>Floods in Britain set to worsen</h2>
    <p>Weather forecasters are predicting further strong winds and
      heavy rain this weekend, adding to the misery for the
      thousandsof people whose homes have been flooded during the
      last two weeks. With rivers at record levels, the worst floods
      for over 50 years have forced large numbers of people to seek
      shelter elsewhere.</p>
  <pane name="headlines">
    <h2>Other Stories</h2>
    <p><a href="elvis.xml">Nun sees Elvis on moon</a></p>
    <p><a href="man.xml">Man bites dog</a></p>
    <p><a href="hamster.xml">Hamster abducted by aliens</a></p>
  <p pane="trailer"><i>Copyright 2004 NewsService Group</i></p>

Referring to convertible images

In XDIME, you can refer to images using the img or logo elements. Both elements can take one of three attributes to name a policy or specify a URL.

You should use the src attribute to name a policy containing a convertible image variant. To locate an image on the file system use the url attribute. If you use the urlc attribute, MCS locates a convertible image file (as distinct from a policy name) to be used for transcoding.

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