Types of canvas

MCS provides several distinct kinds of canvas. Top-level (main and portal) canvasses define complete pages, whereas included canvasses (inclusion and portlet) define page components.

MCS provides several distinct kinds of canvas. Top-level (main and portal) canvasses define complete pages, whereas included canvasses (inclusion and portlet) define page components.

You distinguish different kinds of XDIME canvas element using the type attribute. The table describes the types and shows the ways in which you can nest canvas elements.


The beginning level canvas in the Mobile Portal Accelerator aggregator is of type 'portal'.

Attribute Description
main Default type that can contain inclusion types but not portlet types
inclusion Included within a main canvas type or another inclusion type. Does not generate page headers and trailers.
portal Top level portal canvas that can contain portlet canvasses, but not inclusion types. May perform additional, portal-related processing.
portlet Defines a portlet included within a portal type. May include inclusion and portlettypes and perform additional, portal-related processing. Does not generate page headers and trailers.
gear ATG synonym for the portlet attribute

If any nesting rules are violated, MCS will throw an exception.

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