About widgets

The client-side of the Client Framework 1 is targeted for the following browsers.

The client-side of the Client Framework 1 is targeted for the following browsers.

Browser Version
Access NetFront 3.4 and 3.5
BlackBerry RIM 5.0 and 6.0
Firefox 1.5.x, 2.x and 3.x
Google Chrome 1.x
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and 7
Microsoft Internet Explorer Mobile for Windows Phone 7.0
Nokia OSS  
Opera 9.x
Opera Mobile 8.6 and 9.5
Safari 2.x, 3.x and 4.x
Safari Mobile 3.x and 4.x

You need to manually change your device information to enable widgets on some devices. For devices with the Supports Client Framework policy set to 'true', the Protocol policy other than 'XHTMLFull' or 'HTMLVersion4_0', and Style sheet version other than 'CSS2', you must set the Protocol policy to 'HTMLVersion4_0' and the Style sheet version policy to 'CSS2'. The Protocol and Style sheet version policies can be found under the Browser category, and Supports Client Framework under System. See Working with devices in the Policy Editors to learn more about editing the attributes of devices in the repository file.

Client Framework limitations

The Client Framework 1 functionality is limited by the browser capabilities.

Access NetFront 3.4 limitations:

BlackBerry RIM 5.0 limitations:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x limitations:

Microsoft Internet Explorer Mobile for Windows Phone 7

Nokia OSS browser limitations:

Opera Mobile 8.6 limitations:

Opera Mobile 9.5 limitations:

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