Actions, properties and events

The actions, properties and events (APE) architecture allows you to define simple interactions between widgets on an XDIME 2 page, without the need to use JavaScript methods. However, JavaScript remains fully supported, and may be required for more complex applications.

The actions, properties and events (APE) architecture allows you to define simple interactions between widgets on an XDIME 2 page, without the need to use JavaScript methods. However, JavaScript remains fully supported, and may be required for more complex applications.


An action can be executed at any moment in time. It may have two states.


A property contains a value, which may change over time. Each property has the following settings.

All the actions support the is-enabled property, which specifies their state.


An event is information, which can be sent by a widget at any time. The event can cause the widget:handler element to invoke certain actions when a specified event occurs.

Each property supports the value-changed event, sent when its value changes.

APE and JavaScript API

All the actions, properties and events are also exposed to the XDIME author in the form of the JavaScript API. The following naming conventions apply:


In the following example the widget:button element is used to launch the Forms Wizard widget with the id attribute set to 'myWizard'.

<widget:button id="start-button" class="button" action="myWizard#launch">
  Start the wizard

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