JavaScript support

Many of the widgets provide a JavaScript API to allow them to be used from other scripts. The following methods are considered the public interface of the widget and can be called by JavaScript code:

Many of the widgets provide a JavaScript API to allow them to be used from other scripts. The following methods are considered the public interface of the widget and can be called by JavaScript code:


You can also use the Actions, properties and events architecture to define simple interactions between widgets.


JavaScript method Description
getInstance(id) or $W(id) Returns a widget registered under the specified id
setPollingEnabled(enabled) Enables/disabled AJAX updates for all widgets
isPollingEnabled() Checks if AJAX updates are enabled
observe(widget, notificationName, methodName) Starts observing selected widget for a specified notification. A defined method will be invoked when the notification is sent.
stopObserving(widget, notificationName, methodName) Stops observing selected widget for a specified notification

Carousel widget

JavaScript method Description
stop() Stops widget transitions so no new slice of information will be displayed
start() Resumes widget transitions
nextPage() Moves forward displayed feed items obtained by the Feed Poller
previousPage() Moves backwards displayed feed items obtained by the Feed Poller
setContent(htmlText) Replaces whole carousel content with new from htmlText parameter. The content should be a string with a HTML fragment, including a sequence of li elements, each one representing content of the single carousel item.
forceUpdate() Forces an AJAX update if the refresh action is used with Carousel widget

Date Picker widget

JavaScript method Description
show() Opens a calendar window
hide() Closes a calendar window
getSelectedDate() Returns selected date
Setting calendar display
setStartRange(1,3,2005) Defines a starting date
setEndRange(1,4,2008) Defines an ending date
setStartDate(1,11,2006) Sets initially focused date, with its month displayed. If method is not called, current date will be used. If a current date is out of the specified range, first date within the range will be used.
setDayNames('1','tuesday','3','4','5','sat','sunday') Overrides the default day names returned to the referenced form field
setDayHeaders('1','tuesday','3','4','5','sat','sunday') Overrides the default calendar day column headers with specified names
setMonthNames('Jan','February','March','IV','MAY', '6','7','8','9','10','11','12') Defines month names
setDisabledDate(day,month,year) Disables specified date. If the first field is set to 'null', the whole month will be disabled. If the first and second fields are set to 'null', the whole year will be disabled.
setDisabledWeekDays(6,7) Disables week days. The example disables Saturdays and Sundays.
setDisabledStyle(style) Sets style for disabled dates. The {color:gray} style is used by default.
setWeekStartDay(7) Sets a first day of the week. The example sets Sunday.
Setting date format
setDateFormat("DD/MM/YYYY") Sets the format of the date returned to the referenced form field. Each D will be transformed into one day number, M into month number and Y into year number. The N letter will be transformed into string representation of month. An array of month names can be set using the setMonthNames() method. Other characters remain as separators. Format is ignored when dividing a date into the multiple fields.
Setting style for specific date
setDateStyle(day-of-month,month,year,style-object) Sets a style for a selected day
setDayOfWeekStyle(day-of-week,style) Sets a style for a specified day of week across the whole calendar range

Folding Item widget

JavaScript method Description
fold() Folds a Folding Item widget using the effect configured by the author. If widget is already folded it has no effect.
unfold() Unfolds a Folding Item widget with the effect configured by the appropriate style. If a widget is already unfolded it has no effect.

Simple and Multiple Forms Validator widgets

JavaScript method Description
validate() Causes validation on element
addSuccessCallback() Callback function invoked when validation passes successfully
addFailureCallback() Callback function invoked when validation fails
addFallbackCallback() Callback function invoked when validation could not be performed due to some unexpected reason (no field, AJAX error)

Forms Wizard widget

JavaScript method Description
launch() Launches a forms wizard
show() Displays a Wizard widget, if the widget is already displayed it has no effect
addCancelCallback(callback) Sets a callback function to be called when wizard is canceled. Callback will be invoked with no parameters.


JavaScript method Description
next() Displays the next page of a gallery, unless gallery is displaying the last page.
previous() Returns to the previous page, unless gallery is displaying the first page.
sendToSlideshow(n) Sends the n'th item being displayed on the current gallery page to the associated Slideshow widget.

Popup widget

JavaScript method Description
show() Causes the popup to be displayed. If the popup is already displayed it has no effect.
dismiss(type) Causes the popup to be hidden. If the popup is already hidden it has no effect. type is passed as an argument to methods registered as observers of the dismissed event.
hide() Causes the popup to be hidden. If the popup is already hidden it has no effect.

Progress Bar widget

JavaScript method Description
show() Shows previously invisible Progress Bar widget, using specified appear effect. It has no effect on already visible Progress Bar widget.
hide() Hides previously visible Progress Bar widget, using the disappear effect specified by author. It has no effect on already hidden Progress Bar widget.
set(x) Sets the current progress. If x is less or equal 0, the progress is set to 0. If x is more or equal 100, the progress is set to 100. If x is not a number, the progress is not changed.
get() Returns the current progress
reset() Equivalent to set(0)
finish() Equivalent to set(100)
progress(d) Increments the progress by d, equivalent to set(get() + d)

Slideshow widget

JavaScript method Description
next() Displays the next item from the defined set of items
previous() Returns to the previous item
play() Starts or resumes the slideshow
pause() Pauses the slideshow
stop() Stops the slideshow
gotoItem(n) Goes to the n'th item. If n is out of range, it does nothing.

Tabs widget

JavaScript method Description
select(tabId) Changes active tab to the tab specified by tabId
load(tabId) Loads the content of a tab in the background, if a tab with id tabId uses deferred AJAX loading. Active tab is not changed.
reload(tabId) If a tab with id tabId uses deferred AJAX loading, its content is (re)loaded in background. Active tab is not changed.

Ticker Tape widget

JavaScript method Description
setContents(htmlText) Replaces the contents of the Ticker Tape with the specified HTML text. Note that if mcs-marquee-effect style property is set to 'scroll', the contents will be replaced after the current one scrolls out of the page.
forceUpdate() Forces an AJAX update if a Ticker Tape uses the refresh action. Otherwise it has no effect.


Progress Bar widget controlled by the JavaScript.

  <mcs:handler id="hProgress" type="text/javascript">
  <mcs:handler id="hReset" type="text/javascript">
  <event:listener observer="btnProgress" handler="#hProgress" event="click"/>
  <event:listener observer="btnReset" handler="#hReset" event="click"/>
  <widget:progress id="myProgressBar"/>
  <span class="button" id="btnProgress">progress</span>
  <span class="button" id="btnReset">reset</span>

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