Layout attributes

There are two groups of layout attributes: those on the layout Overview page and those that apply to individual parts of the layout. When you select a layout format in the layout Design view or Outline view, you can set different combinations of format attributes, depending on the format. Many attributes are common to all formats, such as the Name attribute. Others are more specific, for example the link fragment text attributes for fragments.

There are two groups of layout attributes: those on the layout Overview page and those that apply to individual parts of the layout. When you select a layout format in the layout Design view or Outline view, you can set different combinations of format attributes, depending on the format. Many attributes are common to all formats, such as the Name attribute. Others are more specific, for example the link fragment text attributes for fragments.

The table contains links to attribute reference topics. The entries give the names of the user interface controls, descriptions, XML schema datatypes, default values, options and use values.

Name Purpose
Layout overview attributes

Selection criteria and content attributes on the Layout editor Overview page.

Common format attributes

Attributes that appear in the Format Attributes view for several formats.

Dissecting pane attributes

Attributes of dissecting pane formats.

Form fragment attributes

Attributes of fragment formats.

Fragment attributes

Attributes of fragment formats.

Grid attributes

Attributes of rows and columns in grid formats.

Montage and segment attributes

Montage and segment layout attributes define values for the output from multiple canvasses on a device.

Replica attributes

Attributes of replica formats.

Spatial iterator attributes

Spatial attributes define row and column repetitions for dynamically generated data. You can also set the maximum number of cells to be displayed.

Temporal iterator attributes

Temporal attributes specify the time intervals between the rendering of different parts of the content. You can also set the maximum number of cells to be displayed.

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