Common format attributes


Attributes that appear in the Format Attributes view for several formats.


Control Description Options
Name Format name, used to associate it with XDIME markup  
Background Color Color of the format background  
Background Policy Name of background policy for the format. Browse opens the Policy Selection dialog, which displays existing image policy names.  
Width Format width in specified units  
Width Units Unit of width Pixel, % 
Height Format height in pixels  
Border Width Width of the format border in pixels  
Cell Padding Cell padding for format  
Cell spacing Cell spacing for format  
Horizontal Alignment Horizontal alignment of the format. 'Start' and 'End' values indicate preferred alignment when used with the direction property, for example 'Start' used with 'rtl' aligns the text right, and 'End' aligns it left. Left, Center, Right, Start, End 
Vertical Alignment Vertical alignment of the format Top, Center, Bottom 
Destination Area Keywords that target a defined area, for example 'Text', 'Image' and 'Video' areas for MMS messages, or 'ViewportHeader', 'ViewportContent' and 'ViewportFooter' areas for viewport layouts. Text, Image, Video, ViewportHeader, ViewportContent, ViewportFooter
Markup Optimization Whether any specific markup should be retained, integrated with containing markup without loss of style, or integrated regardless of loss of style Never, Little Impact, Always 
Filter Usability Below If the number entered here (1-100) is less than the value in Keyboard Usability for the device, the fragment is filtered out.  
Directionality Specifies the intended text direction of the format, left to right, right to left or fixed (representing a component that is direction neutral), and should not be reversed when rendering the layout Left to Right, Right to Left, Fixed 

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