Layout editor

The Layout editor has two pages, an Overview page listing the layout variants and their general attributes, and a Design page where you can develop your layout.

The Layout editor has two pages, an Overview page listing the layout variants and their general attributes, and a Design page where you can develop your layout.

Along with the Layout editor Design page, you also work with two views, an Outline view of the layout, and a Format Attributes view. When you make a selection in either the design page or the Outline view, the other view or page is synchronized.


Some topics include screen captures showing the results of rendering XDIME markup to PC devices. Although MCS (and XDIME) can support HTML-based PC devices, IBM Mobile Portal Accelerator only supports the use of XDIME markup for mobile devices that use the XDIME aggregator.

Overview page

The Attributes section contains the Device category policy control, which you can use to associate an existing device category scheme or a custom scheme with the policy. For more information on using a custom scheme, refer to Custom device policies. The Lock and Unlock buttons are displayed if this is a collaborative project. If you use them, the action applies to this policy attribute.

Any variants that you have added to a layout are listed in the Variants section. You can add and remove variants at any time. The Lock and Unlock buttons apply to the selected variant or variants.

You use the Variant Selection Criteria section to define which variant is selected for use on a particular device. If the variant is targeted, you can choose a combination of targets from the device list or the device tree and the set of polices you specified in the in the Device category policy control.

The Lock and Unlock buttons are displayed if this is a collaborative project. If you use them, the action applies to all the policy attributes.

In the Variant Content section, you can define either a Default fragment or a Default segment value, and also specify a Null variant.

Design page

You can use the Design page in the Layout editor in the same way as the Outline view. Instead of a hierarchy of formats, MCS displays the current state of the design graphically, using different colors for the types of format.

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