Using grids

Grids give a layout variant a basic structure for your content. You can nest grids inside one another, and also wrap one grid element in another.

Grids give a layout variant a basic structure for your content. You can nest grids inside one another, and also wrap one grid element in another.

When you add a grid, you have a choice of two initial column and row layouts, or one where you can specify values for columns and rows together.

  1. Right click on the Design page where you want to insert the grid, and choose Add | Grid.

  2. Choose either 2 Column, 3 Rows, or N by M. The first two menu items create basic grid values. The third item displays the Add Grid dialog.

  3. If you chose N by M, enter values for Rows and Columns in the dialog, and click OK.

Once you have created a grid, you can subsequently insert or remove rows and columns if your design changes.

  1. Select a cell in the grid

  2. Right click and choose Grid | Insert Column or Grid | Insert Row

  3. In the Insert dialog the number of the column or row is displayed. Choose either Before (default) or After to define the insertion point.

  4. Click OK to insert

  1. Select a cell in the grid

  2. Right click and choose Grid | Remove Column or Grid | Remove Row


When you select a single cell in a grid, you can set values for all the cells in a row or column by editing the value on the Row or Column tabs in the Format Attributes view.

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