Adding a format

When you first design a layout variant, you begin your design by adding one or more two-dimensional grids to contain other layout formats. After you have created a grid structure for your layout, you can begin to add formats like panes and fragments to hold web page content.

When you first design a layout variant, you begin your design by adding one or more two-dimensional grids to contain other layout formats. After you have created a grid structure for your layout, you can begin to add formats like panes and fragments to hold web page content.

You can work with formats in either the Design page or the Outline view. In both cases you select the format, and right-click to make a selection from the context menu. The sequence of laying out formats varies somewhat with the format type, but all follow this basic pattern. The task descriptions use the Outline view as an example.

  1. Choose a device in the Outline view

  2. Expand the outline to show any empty formats in the location you want to place the new format

  3. Right-click and choose Add, and then select the format from the context menu. The icon for the format is added to the Outline view.

  4. In the Format Attributes view enter the attribute values for the format. The number and type of attribute values varies with the type of format you have added. A format Name is always required.

  1. Select a format in the Outline view

  2. Right click and choose Remove

Remove does not remove the containing grid cell. It clears the format from the cell, leaving an empty format. To remove grid cells you need to choose Grid | Remove Column or Grid | Remove Row.


You can Cut, Copy and Paste formats, including their attributes, from one grid cell to another, and between layouts. You can also drag and drop formats, either within the Outline view and the Design page, or between them.

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