Portlet rendering problems

There may be a quick solution to a portlet rendering problem.

The following information addresses common portlet rendering problems.
  1. If you see the message This portlet is unavailable in place of the portlet's content, the portlet generated an exception when rendering its content. View the WebSphere® Portal log files in the wp_profile_root/logs/webSphere_Portal directory to determine what error occurred.
  2. When a standard portlet API's content should be displayed but only the portlet title is visible, verify that the XDIME MIME type is specified correctly in the portlet's portlet.xml file, JSPs, and Java™ source code. See the topic Requirements and limitations for portlets that support XDIME markup for more details.
  3. If you see the error message "SyndFeed Portlet / or any Deployed Portlet does not appear on UA (Error 500)", you need to edit the mwp properties (located in wp_profile_root/PortalServer/wp.mobile/wp.mobile.mwp/shared/app/config/mwp.properties) and increase the poll value as follows: mwp.ppi.poll.times = 30

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