Log messages

There are various informational, warning, and error messages that may be generated by IBM® Mobile Portal Accelerator.

Log messages are logged to the WebSphere® Portal run-time log file, wp_profile_root/logs/WebSphere_Portal/SystemOut.log.

Most Mobile Portal Accelerator extension components use the following common message logging scheme. Messages are in the following format:
is one of the following products:
  • CWM is the three-letter product code that indicates the message was logged by a Mobile Portal Accelerator extension.
  • MCS is the three-letter product code that indicates the message was logged by Multi-Channel Server.
is one of the component identifiers.
is the message number.
is one of these three letters:
  • E for an error message
  • W for a warning message
  • I for an informational message
Note: Specifics about Mobile Portal Accelerator extension log messages can be found in the individual component-specific chapters.

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