Configuring a DB2 database for MCS

The first stage in the process of installing the Multi-Channel Server (MCS) software on WebSphere® Portal for use with DB2® is to configure the DB2 database.

Before you begin

About this task

Perform this procedure on the database server, which can be a different system than the system used to run MCS.


  1. Log in.

    AIXLinuxSolaris Log in as the DB2 instance user. If you are logged in as root, run the following command to change to the DB2 instance user: su - db2instance_userID

    Windows Log in as a user with administrative privileges.

  2. Run the db2start command to ensure that the DB2 server is started.
  3. Create a new database using the following command.
    db2 create db mcs using codeset UTF-8 territory us

    In this example, the database name is mcs. If you choose another database name, use the chosen name instead of mcs in subsequent steps.

  4. Update the new database configuration using the following command.
    db2 update db cfg for mcs using logfilsiz 10000 logprimary 10 logsecond 10
  5. Connect to the database using the following command.
    db2 connect to mcs user db2instance_userID using db2instance_password
  6. If your database server is on the same server as WebSphere Portal, change the working directory to:

    Otherwise, copy the file wp_root/ and create_mdpr_tables.sql from your WebSphere Portal server to a directory on your database server. Then, make that directory your working directory.

  7. Create the WebSphere Portal tables using the following commands. Change to the user with which you created the MCS database, for example db2admin or db2inst1. Change to the DB2 command prompt then change the directory to the location where you copied the sql files.
    1. Run create_mdpr_tables.sql. At the DB2 prompt enter: db2> -tf create_mdpr_tables.sql
    2. Run create_vm_tables.sql. At the DB2 prompt enter: db2> -tf create_vm_tables.sql
  8. AIXLinuxSolaris If you used the su command when you logged in as the DB2 instance user, issue the exit command.

What to do next

After the database is configured, you can install the MCS software.

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