Configuration files are used to set up Multi-Channel Server (MCS) software on WebSphere® Portal. A script is used to make the necessary updates to the files.
This file contains the MCS configuration parameters. The parameters in this file are described in the topic Administering Multi-Channel Server in the Multi-Channel Server information center.
In addition, the associated XML schema definition (XSD) file, mcs-config.xsd.
This file controls the MCS logging level and enables tracing. See the topic Message logging and trace information in the Troubleshooting section of this information center for more information about this file.
During MCS installation, mcs-config.xml and mcs-config.xsd are copied from the wp_profile_root/PortalServer/ directory and deployed into the Multi-Channel Server enterprise archive (EAR). The EAR is expanded into the wp_profile_root/installedApps/node_name/mcs.ear directory. The mcs-config.xml and mcs-config.xsd files appear in the mcs.war/WEB-INF subdirectory.
Perform the following procedure to modify the mcs-config.xml configuration file.