Configuring the sample Mobile Calendar portlet to use local or remote policies

The sample Mobile Calendar portlet provided with IBM® Mobile Portal Accelerator supports both local and remote policies. The default is to use local policies. You can switch the portlet from using local policies to remote policies through the portlet's HTML edit mode.

Before configuring the Mobile Calendar portlet to use remote policies, you must install the sample remote policy servlet provided with IBM Mobile Portal Accelerator and install the Mobile Calendar portlet. The Mobile Calendar portlet WAR file,MWPCALSample.war, is copied to the wp_root/ directory when Mobile Portal Accelerator is installed. Use the WebSphere® Portal administration portlets to install the Mobile Calendar portlet and add it to a page configured to use XDIME and HTML markup. For more details on the Mobile Calendar portlet, see the Mobile Calendar portlet topic in this information center.

When edit mode is used to configure the use of remote policies, you specify the URL of the sample remote policy servlet and can test the connection to the remote policy servlet.

Note: If the local policies option is selected, the URL field will not be editable and any URL data entered in that field will be ignored.
You can also configure what scope you want for the flush action. You can select one of the following scopes from a drop-down list and then click Flush all selected Policy Caches.

After changing any parameters in edit mode, you can save the information on the page by clicking Save.

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