Installing and using the sample remote policy servlet

IBM® Mobile Portal Accelerator includes a sample remote policy servlet and sample remote policies used with the Mobile Calendar sample portlet. Follow these instructions to install the remote policy servlet.

Before you begin

One of the following applications must be installed on the system where you plan to install the servlet:
  • WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment version


  • WebSphere Application Server Base version

Use the WebSphere Application ServerIntegrated Solutions Console to deploy the sample remote policy servlet. For more information about installing web applications or using a command line interface to install web applications, see the WebSphere Application Server WebSphere Application Server information center.


  1. Find the files MWPPolicyServer.war and MWPPolicyServerMsgs.jar on either the product CD, or the CD image on a network drive. The files are included in the inst.images/samples/rps directory on the product CD labeled:
    IBM Mobile Portal Accelerator Version 8.0 Disc 1 of 2
  2. Copy the MWPPolicyServer.war file to the machine where you will use a browser to access the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console.
  3. Start the Integrated Solutions Console.
  4. If security is enabled, log in to the Integrated Solutions Console.
  5. Determine which application server you want to install the sample remote policy servlet on. If necessary, use the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console to create a new application server.
  6. Install the MWPPolicyServer.war file. Perform the following steps:
    1. Expand Applications and click Install New Application.
    2. Select Local Path and type the path to the MWPPolicyServer.war file, or click Browse to find it. In the Context Root field, specify MWPPolicyServer and then click Next.
    3. Click Next on the Preparing for the application installation page and ignore any application security warnings.
    4. In the first wizard pane, keep the default options and click Next.
    5. In the next pane, verify that MWPPolicyServer is selected and click Next.
    6. In the next pane, map MWPPolicyServer to the application server that it should be installed on (for example, server1), and click Next.
    7. In the next pane, review the summary information and click Finish.
    8. Click Save to Master Configuration, then click Save.
  7. Copy the MWPPolicyServerMsgs.jar, from step 1, to the was_root/lib/ext/ directory on the server where WebSphere Application Server is installed.
  8. Restart the server1 application server. If the remote policy servlet was installed on an application server other than server1, restart that application server as well.


The source code for the sample remote policy servlet is available in the MWPPolicyServer.war file. After the remote policy servlet is installed, this file is copied to the wp_profile_root/installedApps/cell_name/MWPPolicyServer_war.ear/MWPPolicyServer.war/WEB-INF/classes/com/ibm/mwp/policy/server directory.

After the remote policy servlet is installed, the remote policies for the Mobile Calendar portlet appear under the wp_profile_root/installedApps/cell_name/MWPPolicyServer_war.ear/MWPPolicyServer.war/mcs-policies directory.

The remote policy servlet uses the WebSphere logger and tracer facility, logging messages to the wp_profile_root/logs/server_name/SystemOut.log file, where server_name is the name of the application server to which the remote policy servlet is mapped.

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