XDIME navigation - PDA

The PDA navigation view provides a drop down list that contains all of the Pages and URLs of the navigation structure contained under mwp_root.

Nested pages are handled by indenting child pages with the appropriate number of indent characters. In the following example, the XDIME navigation tree for a PDA uses the period (.) to denote nested pages.

Note: The period (.) indent character shown in the example can be changed to a different character by changing the value of mwp.pda.indent.value in mwp.properties.

The PDA aggregator has a page bar that contains pages and URLs. After a page is selected, the portlets for that page are displayed as icons. URLs in the page bar link to URLs defined by the administrator.

A default icon can be displayed for portlets that are not configured with metadata to specify an icon. Set the property mwp.pda.default.image.portlet to configure the default icon.

The mwp.pda.max.nav.depth property in mwp.properties defines the child depth.

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