Configuring Mobile Portal Accelerator to access MAP

After configuring the WebSphere® Application Server data source for your environment, you must configure the Mobile Portal Accelerator to access the Media Access Proxy (MAP).

About this task

To configure Mobile Portal Accelerator to access MAP, perform the following steps.


  1. Configure the newly created MAP data source to Mobile Portal Accelerator.
    1. Log in to the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console.
    2. Click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > WebSphere_Portal > Installed applications > map.
    3. Click Mapping Resource references to resources.
    4. Locate the map data source and click OK.
    5. Specify authentication method by applying previously created credentials to the MAP database
    6. Click Save Configuration.
  2. On the Mobile Portal Accelerator server, update the mcs-config.xml file to include MAP server data.
    1. Copy the mcs-config.xml file from the was_profile_root/installedApps/cell_name/mcs.ear/mcs.war/WEB-INF directory to the wp_profile_root/PortalServer/ directory.
    2. Add the MAP URL to wp_profile_root/PortalServer/ as follows:

      For example:

      Note: The map_mode can be either map or ics.
    3. Change your working directory to wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine.
    4. Run the following command:
      ./ init mcs-update-config
      ConfigEngine init mcs-update-config
      Note: For security reasons, if you do not want to store the WebSphere Portal admin password and WebSphere Application Server admin password in the file, you can specify the passwords on the portal server command line. For example, when this topic directs you to enter the ConfigEngine script or batch file, you would add parameters to the command to specify the password values as shown here:

      ./ init mcs-update-config
      ConfigEngine init mcs-update-config
      • WP_admin_password_value is the value of the WebSphere Portal admin password
      • WAS_admin_password_value is the value of the WebSphere Application Server admin password if WebSphere Application Server security is enabled
  3. Add the MAP URL to the mwp.icsServer property in the wp_profile_root/PortalServer/ file as follows:
    mwp.icsServer = http://hostname:port/map/map
  4. Restart the portal server using the following commands:
    wp_profile_root/bin/ server_name -username WAS_admin -password WAS_admin_password_value
    wp_profile_root/bin/ server_name
    wp_profile_root\bin\stopServer server_name -username WAS_admin -password WAS_admin_password_value
    wp_profile_root\bin\startServer server_name

    where server_name is the name of the WebSphere Application Server instance (for example, WebSphere_Portal).

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