Adding short titles for specific locales

This section details how short titles for specific locales are set by the administrator.

About this task

By default, Mobile Portal Accelerator does not allow the administrator to enter short titles for specific locales. To enable the administrator to create short titles for specific locales, perform the following steps:


  1. Edit the attr-descriptor.xml file.
    Note: The file can be found at the following location: wp_profile_root/PortalServer/
  2. Find the Attribute-Group named altTitle.
  3. Uncomment one or more of the locale-specific <Attribute> definitions in this group (or add new ones). See the following code snippet:
       <Attribute-Group name="altTitle" 
                        friendly-name="Alternate Title" 
                        friendly-name-resource="ea.attr.default.altTitle" >
         <Attribute name="de" 
                    friendly-name="Short Title in German">
  4. Specify the friendly-name value that is used as the label on the Set Short Title page in the administrative user interface.
  5. Save the attr-descriptor.xml file.
  6. Edit the Extended Properties of any node and click the Portlet menu. Then click Configure.
  7. Click Click to reload the user interface from the XML descriptor file.
  8. Click Done to return to the main panel.
  9. Click Set short title to see the new fields.
  10. Specify the translated short titles for each page, portlet, or URL for which a translated short title is desired.

    The name given to the new attribute (in step 3), must match the locale string or substring of the locale for which the short title is intended. In the previous example, the name ‘de' is used, so the value of these fields (when specified using the administrative user interface in step 10) is used to render the short title whenever the accessing client is using the German locale (de) or any variant of the German locale, for example, de_at or de_lu.

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