Defining and customizing extended properties with the attribute descriptor file

The attribute descriptor file (attr-descriptor.xml) is used to define and customize extended properties (or attributes). It can be associated with each page, portlet, or URL in the navigation hierarchy.



The values of extended properties are used by the aggregator to display and filter the content of the navigation hierarchy for different clients accessing the portal. The Extended properties can have the following types and associated values:
  • string: Any string characters with a max length of 255
  • boolean: true or false
  • integer: An integer between -2,147,483,684 and +2,147,483,684
  • enumeration: A list of string values
  • range: Specifies minimum and maximum values


The attribute descriptor file is on the Portal Server as follows: wp_profile_root/PortalServer/

The attr-descriptor.xml contains a hierarchy of attributes and groups. All attributes and groups are contained by the top-level group named ea. The ea group contains subgroups for attributes and rules named attr and rule.

The hierarchy of groups uniquely identifies each attribute. The parent groups of each attribute are used to create a dot-delimited path that defines the unique attribute. The following tables list some of the default attributes and rules included with Mobile Portal Accelerator. Unique attribute values can be assigned, modified, or deleted using the Extended Properties portlet for each page, portlet, or URL in the navigation hierarchy.

The following fragment from the attribute descriptor file shows the groups that contain the default attributes for Mobile Portal Accelerator.
<Attribute-Group name="ea">
  <Attribute-Group name="attr">
    <Attribute-Group name="default">

      <!-- default attributes -->

The following table describes the default attribute groups and attributes.
Attribute/Group Name Type Description
ea.attr group This attribute group contains all attributes configurable using the Extended Properties portlet.
ea.attr.default group This attribute group contains all of the default Mobile Portal Accelerator attributes.
iconResource string Defines the icon resource asset (as found in the MCS repository) to use when displaying an icon for a page, portlet, or URL. Icons for specific navigation views can be defined by adding <Attribute> elements within the iconResource attribute with the specific view name (pda, icon, or tree). For example, you could have:


The ea.attr.default.iconResource is both the fallback icon as well as the icon for the navigation view specified by the mwp.viewmode.default property in If mwp.viewmode.default=tree, then devices configured for the tree navigation view use the ea.attr.default.iconResource. Devices configured for the pda navigation view use the icon defined in ea.attr.default.iconResource.pda; otherwise, it uses ea.attr.default.iconResource as a fallback.

Note: If both iconResource and iconURL are specified, iconResource takes precedence.
iconURL string Instead of specifying the iconResource, the source URL can be specified for the icon. The URL can be relative or fully qualified starting with http://. The handling of different navigation views is also similar to iconResource. For example, you could have:


The ea.attr.default.iconURL is both the fallback icon as well as the icon for the navigation view specified by the mwp.viewmode.default property in If mwp.viewmode.default=tree, then devices configured for the tree navigation view use the ea.attr.default.iconURL. Devices configured for the pda navigation view use the icon defined in ea.attr.default.iconURL.pda; otherwise, it uses ea.attr.default.iconURL as a fallback.

Note: If both iconResource and iconURL are specified, iconResource takes precedence.
navtitle string If any normal mode portlet content is rendered on a page, the navtitle is shown before the navigation links to mark the beginning of the navigation.
altTitle.default string Defines the default short title displayed for a page, portlet, or URL. This is the fallback short title when there is no locale-specific short title is available.
altTitle.<language>_<country>_<variant> string Locale-specific short titles are defined by adding a locale-specific <Attribute> element to the ea.attr.default.altTitle <Attribute-Group> element. For example, if you want to specify a short title in Traditional Chinese (zh_TW), you would specify the attribute using the following pattern, ea.attr.default.altTitle.<language>_<country>_<variant> or ea.attr.default.altTitle.zh_TW.
The aggregator looks for the most specific short title first using the specific locale of the requesting device. For example, the aggregator checks for the following localized titles working from most specific to least specific.
  1. ea.attr.default.altTitle.zh_TW
  2. ea.attr.default.altTitle.zh
  3. ea.attr.default.altTitle

Rule attributes define the rules which determine whether a client can see a page, portlet, or URL in the navigation hierarchy. When a client requests a page, the aggregator compares the rule settings for each page, portlet, and URL to the characteristics of the requesting device to determine which items are displayed and which items are not appropriate for the device.

The following fragment from the attribute descriptor file shows the groups that contain the default rules for Mobile Portal Accelerator
<Attribute-Group name="ea">
  <Attribute-Group name="rule">
    <Attribute-Group name="default">

      <!-- default rules -->


The following table describes the default rule group and rules.

Rule/Group Name Type Description
ea.rule group Group containing all rule-based attributes. A <Rule-Info> element is specified which defines the default rule generator class that can generically handle most child <Attribute> elements within this group. The child <Attribute> elements can override this class if a more specific class is needed to handle more complex rule logic.
ea.rule.default group This group contains all the default Mobile Portal Accelerator rules.
vendor enumeration Determines whether the requesting device must match a particular vendor or manufacturer. You can specify any number of vendors, but the device needs to match just one of the vendors. Value options are specified to indicate the available vendors from which the administrator can select.
model enumeration Determines whether the requesting device must match a particular model or manufacturer. You can specify any number of vendors, but the device needs to match just one of the models. Value options are specified to indicate the available models from which the administrator can select. The value options must be of the format <mfg>-<modelnum>. You can find both mfg and modelnum by using the Mobile Portal Toolkit to browse the particular device policies.
Note: The dash between the <mfg> and <modelnum> must be included for this rule to work properly.
deviceClass enumeration Determines whether the requesting device must belong to a particular device class. Only pda and phone classes are provided by default.
imageCapable boolean Determines whether the requesting device must be image capable.
colorCapable boolean Determines whether the requesting device must be color capable. The <Rule-Info> element specified here overrides the default Java™ class defined in ea.rule. A new Java class is specified because the color capable rule requires more complex logic to resolve whether the device is color capable or not.
soundOutputCapable boolean Determines whether the requesting device must be able to play audio.
Attributes and rules specific to preload notices are defined in a separate group. These preload notice attributes define the appearance and behavior of the preload notice. The following fragment from the attribute descriptor file shows the groups that contain the preload notice attributes.
<Attribute-Group name="ea">
  <Attribute-Group name="attr">
    <Attribute-Group name="preloadNotice">

      <!-- default Preload Notice attributes -->


The following table describes the default preload notice attributes.

Attribute/Group Name Type Description
ea.attr.preloadNotice group Group containing all attributes pertaining to defining a preload notice. The Preload Notice Portlet uses the following attributes to store information about a preload notice.
name string Required string which identifies the JSP fragment used to display the preload notice.
id string Required to uniquely identify the preload notice. This is internally generated by Mobile Portal Accelerator and is not displayed to the administrator.
title string Optional title that a JSP fragment can display for the preload notice. The JSP fragment can honor this value.
description string Optional string, which is used only to describe the preload notice or to add comments about the preload notice.
type int Required integer that indicates the type of preload notice:

0 – Custom
1 – Informational
2 – Advertisement
3 – Warning

actionURL string Optional action URL to use for configuring a preload notice button. For the advertisement preload notice, this configures the YES button.
allowDoNotPrompt boolean Optional Boolean that indicates whether a check box is displayed to an authenticated user to allow them to force the preload notice to not prompt again.
timeout int Optional redirect timeout value specified in seconds. If the JSP fragment uses this value, it must provide the redirect URL when the page timeout is exceeded.

After the preload notice attributes are defined, rules can be configured to determine when the preload notice is displayed. The following fragment from the attribute descriptor file shows the groups that contain the preload notice rules.

<Attribute-Group name="ea">
  <Attribute-Group name="rule">
    <Attribute-Group name="preloadNotice">
      <Attribute-Group name="default">

      <!-- default Preload Notice rules -->

The following table describes the non-time related preload notice rules.
Rule/Group Name Type Description
ea.rule.preloadNotice.default group Group containing all attributes used in resolving when preload notices are displayed. These groups are not time related except for the dateRange.
enable boolean Optional Boolean to enable or disable the preload notice without deleting the defined preload notice.
dateRange range Optional date range for showing a preload notice. If not specified, the preload notice is currently valid with no expiration date. The dateRange is a UTC long which is the number of milliseconds since the standard base time known as "the epoch", January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.
groupMembership string Optional list of group memberships to match against the current groups a user is associated with. If it matches, the preload notice is displayed. This feature enables an administrator to target a user of a certain group membership. Because we cannot know the configured groups, an administrator can add from group names that cannot exceed 255 characters.
totalHits string The number of times the preload notice is displayed to the user. It requires a counter in the preload notice user database to count the number of times the user sees the preload notice. The counter must increment at each viewing of the preload notice. If not specified, totalHits is assumed to be unlimited; otherwise a numeric threshold greater than 0 must be specified.
The following table describes the time-related preload notice rules. Time-related rules are mutually exclusive between each other. Only one of the rule attributes within this rule group can be configured.
Rule/Group Name Type Description
ea.rule.preloadNotice.default.time group Group containing all attributes used in resolving when preload notices are displayed. This is for time-related rules that are mutually exclusive with each other.
nthDay int Optional integer to display the preload notice once every n or more days since the preload notice was last shown. This enables recurring notices to the preload notice.
daysOfWeek enumeration Optional enumeration of the days of week that the preload notice is displayed. If the current day matches one of the days in the enumeration, the preload notice is displayed. The valid values are:

1 – Sunday
2 – Monday
3 – Tuesday
4 – Wednesday
5 – Thursday
6 – Friday
7 – Saturday

This can be configured with a nTimesPerDay child <Attribute> element which specifies an integer used to limit the number of times the preload notice is shown for each day in the enumeration. By default, the preload notice is displayed all day.

The following table describes the attribute that was added for the smartphone view.
Attribute/Group Name Type Description
themeView String Contains the type of smartphone view. Valid values are:
Tabbed view
Accordion view
Carousel view
PDA view

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