Creating a virtual portal

When you create a virtual portal in the Mobile Portal Accelerator environment, use the MWPInitVirtualPortal.xml template.

About this task

The MWPInitVirtualPortal.xml template creates the Mobile Portal Accelerator portlets and enables the appropriate functionality. In addition to creating the default WebSphere® Portal virtual portal, the MWPInitVirtualPortal.xml template does the following additional Mobile Portal Accelerator tasks:
  • Adds Manage Mobile Pages portlet to the new virtual portal
  • Enables XDIME for the Content.Root
  • Enables XDIME for the Home node and mobile portal nodes
  • Enables XDIME for the Login page
  • Creates mobile portal sample pages
  • Adds the Mobile Login portlet to the Login page
If you need to modify the template, it is deployed as a WebSphere Application Server asset named This asset is found in the following location:
  • In a stand-alone configuration: wp_profile_root/config/cells/cell_name/assets/
  • In a cluster: Dmgr_profile/config/cells/cell_name/assets/ on the deployment manager

For more information about how to modify the template, refer to the topic Administering virtual portals in the WebSphere Portal product documentation.

For more information about assets, refer to the WebSphere Application Serverinformation center.


  1. Log in to WebSphere Portal as administrator.
  2. Navigate to the Virtual Portal Manager portlet by selecting Administration > Virtual Portals > Manage Virtual Portals.
  3. Create a virtual portal:
    1. In the Configure menu, copy the contents of Xml script to create virtual portal content tree to your clipboard (for example, and paste it into Edit Shared Setting.
    2. Type a title for the new virtual portal.
    3. Type a description for the virtual portal.
    4. Type either the URL context or the host name for the virtual portal.
    5. Type the initial administrator user group for virtual portal. If you do not type wpsadmins, you will need to update access to the XDIME portlets after you complete creating the virtual portal.
    6. Select Mobile Portal as the default theme.
    7. Click OK. When the virtual portal is created, it will be added to the list of virtual portals on the Virtual Portal Manager portlet.

    For more information about creating a virtual portal, click Help in the portlet menu.

  4. Verify that the virtual portal was created. Point a browser to the URL of the virtual portal you created. For example, open a browser and point it to:
    • hostname is the server host name where you created the virtual portal.
    • port is the port over which virtual portal listening takes place. By default, this is 10040.
    • URLcontext is the URL context that you specified for the new virtual portal.
  5. If you want to use a custom policy set, create the custom policies and import them into MCS. For more information about custom policy sets, refer to the topic Configuring virtual portal policies.

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