The XDIME aggregator can render portlet content along with navigation links to provide rich content in pages that normally would have navigational elements.
The XDIME aggregator has the ability of rendering portlets in normal mode. Normal mode portlets enable rich content on pages that normally would have navigational elements. The portlet can display its content along with the navigation links or other portlet content on the same page. It is typically used for providing information or advertisements inline with the navigation.
When portlets are rendered in normal mode, the portlet title is displayed in bold followed by the portlet content. If other portlets are rendered in normal mode or there are navigation links, you can use a horizontal rule can visually divide the content. A default navigation title Links, which can be renamed, is provided to denote where the navigation links begin.
Market News:
US stocks jump on news of new product release from <tm tmclass="ibm" tmowner="IBM Corporation" tmtype="reg" trademark="IBM">IBM</tm>.
Sports News:
New England Patriots win overtime thriller.
1. Home Page
2. Employee Directory
The order of portlets on the page determine the order. Portlets that are configured for maximized are added at the end. For example:
Portlet1 (M)
Portlet2 (N)
Portlet3 (M)
Portlet4 (N)
<b> Portlet2</b> Some content for Portlet2
<b>Portlet4</b> Some content for Portlet4
<b>Links</b> PageB
Property | Default value | Description |
mwp.portlet.default.mode | Maximized | If the render mode extended property for the portlet is not explicitly defined, then it is the default value for the portlet. Configurable values: normal, maximized. | | True | Enables a rule between multiple portlets rendered in normal mode. |
mwp.tree.normal.mode.enable | True | Enables support for rendering portlets in normal mode for the tree navigation view. If false, then portlets never render in normal mode even if specified with the Extended Properties portlet. |
mwp.tree.wml.normal.mode.enable | False | Enables support for rendering portlets in normal mode for the WML tree navigation view. If false, then portlets never render in normal mode even if specified with the Extended Properties portlet. |
mwp.tree.pagination.normal.mode.enable | False | Enables support for rendering portlets in normal mode for the pagination tree navigation view. If false, then portlets never render in normal mode even if specified with the Extended Properties portlet. |
mwp.icon.normal.mode.enable | True | Enables support for rendering portlets in normal mode for the icon navigation view. If false, then portlets never render in normal mode even if specified with the Extended Properties portlet. |
mwp.pda.normal.mode.enable | True | Enables support for rendering portlets in normal mode for the PDA navigation view. If false, then portlets never render in normal mode even if specified with the Extended Properties portlet. |
<Attribute-Group name="navTitle"
friendly-name="Alternate Navigation Title"
friendly-name-resource="ea.attr.default.navTitle" >
<Attribute name="de"
friendly-name="Alternate Navigation Title in German">
If you display the preload notice configuration for a portlet that is using the default portlet render mode, and that had a preload notice enabled before the property change, the preload notice portlet indicates that the preload notice is disabled. But the XDIME aggregator displays the preload notice on any navigation views for which normal mode is disabled. The preload notice portlet is displaying the preload notice configuration state for the portlet (for example, disabled) rather than the saved configuration state (for example, enabled).