Directory structure

Refer to the following information for the directory structure of Mobile Portal Accelerator and a listing of the types of files you can find in those directories.

WebSphere Portal directory structure

Files installed under the WebSphere® Portal home directory use the following directory structure.

Directory path Notes
wp_root/shared Shared files directory.
wp_profile_root/PortalServer/ Mobile Portal Accelerator shared files directory.
wp_profile_root/PortalServer/ Configuration files for WebSphere Portal. Note that can be used to customize XDIME aggregator configuration options.

XDIME directory structure

XDIME files installed under the WebSphere Application Server home directory use the following directory structure after installation.

File type Directory path Notes®
Screens wp_profile_root/installedApps/node_name/MPATheme.ear/MPATheme.war/screens/xdime Screen files, log in, forgotten password, and so on.
Skins wp_profile_root/installedApps/node_name/MPATheme.ear/MPATheme.war/skins/xdime Only the default skin is available with the XDIME aggregator.


Mobile Portal Accelerator supports three view modes that can be configured as mark versions: treeview, pdaview, and iconview. The Default.jsp found in the first directory references the treeview JSPs by default.
Tip: If no explicit markup version is specified for a client definition, then the treeview is the default view mode shown.

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