
The part of WebSphere® Portal responsible for displaying the navigation and portlets available to a user. The XDIME aggregator is delivered with Mobile Portal Accelerator. HTML, WML, and cHTML aggregators are delivered with the base WebSphere Portal product.
asset group
A policy that specifies the location of an image asset.
The ability to change the appearance of an entire site by applying a particular style and layout and a specific set of assets. This can be done without requiring changes to the underlying JSP and application logic.
See command line interface (CLI)
command line interface (CLI)
One of two types of user interfaces to the computer's operating system or application. (The other type is the graphical user interface, or GUI.) An example of a CLI is the Windows cmd.exe (32-bit) or command.exe command prompt.
The basic information that is presented to an incoming web user. It can be static information such as text or graphics, or it can be generated information such as product information retrieved from a database.
Cascading style sheet
device policy
The collection of attributes associated with a class of devices or a specific device.
DynaCache (WebSphere Dynamic Cache)
A consolidation of several caching activities, including Servlets, web services, and WebSphere commands into one service where these activities work together to improve performance and share configuration parameters.
Extended Properties portlet
A portlet that allows the configuration of the way in which a node is displayed on a given device, based on the device type and capabilities.
The process of combining naming systems, such as WebSphere Portal nodes, so that the aggregate system can process composite names that span the naming systems. A federated system allows users to query and manipulate data located on other servers.
IBM® Support Assistant (ISA)
A downloadable package designed to help customers gather and submit information when reporting problems to IBM Support.
IBM Tivoli® License Manager
An IBM software product that is used to detect where IBM products are both installed and running.
image policy
A generic reference to an image. A single image policy can contain information about several images, each one targeted to a certain class of devices. For example, banner.ming may contain a banner.gif, banner.jpg, and banner.bmp.
Image Conversion Service
A software-based image adaptation engine that converts images to different formats so that they can be viewed on different device types. It can be installed on the WebSphere Portal application server or on a separate application server.
See IBM Support Assistant.
See IBM Tivoli License Manager.
See Image Conversion Services.
JavaServer Pages: A Java™ technology with which developers can dynamically generate documents (in HTML, XML, or other formats) in response to requests from web clients.
The physical placement of content on a user's device. Whereas content is essentially device independent, layout is device dependent. XDIME can be used to help map content to layout.
layout policy
A means of defining how content should be arranged on a particular canvas. For example, several device-specific layouts may exist within a single layout policy.
Manage Mobile Pages portlet
A portlet that allows portlet administrators the ability to create mobile portal navigation suitable for mobile devices, allowing wireless devices to navigate and view a Portal website using this navigation hierarchy.
See Multi-Channel Server.
MCS expressions
Code that enables additional information to be transmitted to various parts of Multi-Channel Server, such as its tags and layouts.
Multi-Channel Server (MCS)
A component that works within the Mobile Portal Accelerator environment to enable the integration of input from a variety of sources, delivering optimized output to multiple target devices. After content JSP or XML pages are authored using XHTML-based markup, the output is rendered by MCS on any supported device in its own native markup.
The highest-level directory on the WebSphere Portal server that supports XDIME, and that the Mobile Portal Accelerator user is entitled to view.
A unit of navigation as provided by the WebSphere Portal Model API (for example Label, Page, or URL).
Markup definitions used by the Multi-Channel Server (MCS), in conjunction with Mobile Portal Accelerator JSPs generated by XDIME, to generate markup suitable for a specific device. Mobile Portal Accelerator uses the following types of MCS policies: asset group, image, theme, layout, and device.
portal configuration utility
In Mobile Portal Accelerator, the utility that is used to install the XDIME aggregator.
A reusable component that provides access to web-based content, applications, and other resources. Based on the navigation view selected, portlets in Mobile Portal Accelerator navigation views may be represented by a text hyperlink or by a graphical icon.
preload notice
A set of JSP fragments that is defined in more than one markup.
Preload Notices portlet
A portlet that allows the configuration of where defined preload notices appear in the navigation, the ability to select predefined rules that determine when a preload notice is displayed, as well as a way to navigate from the preload notice to the target link.
tag library descriptor
A descriptor that defines the mapping between the tag name and the class name.
technology preview
A means by which IBM provides program code on an as-is basis with no warranty. IBM provides no support for this code; neither does it warrant that:
  1. This code will meet your specific requirements, and/or
  2. Applications developed using this code will be compatible with subsequent versions of the code.
Also note that some or all of the code may not be made generally available by IBM as a product and that production use of the technology preview code is not authorized by IBM.
The stylistic aspects of a website. Themes are used to tie together to visual aspects of a site and are important for company brand identification. The thematic information for a device is termed a style. The main theme for the XDIME aggregator (which is equivalent to Styles.css in WebSphere Portal) is wp_styles.
One of three different markup versions for any specified type of device. The default view is a tree navigation scheme. The other views are icon and pda. These markup versions are defined in WebSphere Portal by the Client Profile, which maps a markup/markup version to a particular user agent.
The root directory location where WebSphere Application Server is installed.
Wireless Markup Language (WML)
A content format for devices that implement the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) specification.
The root directory location where WebSphere Portal is installed.
Also XDIME 1. A device-agnostic markup language that is authored in JSP or XDIME XML and is based on XHTML 1.1. It ultimately is converted to a device-specific markup language during the Multi-Channel Server (MCS) runtime based on information stored about the device.
A newer version of XDIME that conforms to the following current or proposed W3C standards: XHTML 2.0, XForms 1.0, DISelect 1.0, and CSS 2.1. XDIME 2 offers several features that are not found in XDIME including flexible targeting for layouts, Client Framework widgets, and an easier way to control fragmentation and form fragmentation link text.
XDIME elements
Markup entities that are usable as tags in JSP pages.

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