Using this course

Format and types of content

This course is self-paced. You may proceed through the course in any order. However, some exercises require completion of a prior or subsequent exercise. Each exercise in this course will contain some or all of the following types of content:
Type of Content Description How to use it
Objectives Description of what the learner will do during the exercise or should be able to do after completing the exercise Read
Glossary Reference of terms used within the exercise Reference
Overview High level description of a task Read
Procedure Written steps for completing a particular task. Includes images. Read
Troubleshooting Common problems associated with a task and their resolution Read and Reference
Test yourself Questions and answers about the task or Scenarios and answers about the task Read
Resources Links to external information relevant to the task Reference

Course Glossary

Terms listed in the glossary of each exercise are also aggregated in the Course Glossary.


In order to take this course, you will need:

Test environment

Some of the exercises in this course demonstrate features that will impact your entire SmartCloud for Social Business account, such as changing the theme. Others may impact users in a way that is not recoverable, such as deleting a user.
Therefore, testing the exercises in this course in a production SmartCloud for Social Business organization is not advised. If you want to use a test organization for your testing, you can create a SmartCloud for Social Business trial account at the SmartCloud for Social Business trial website.
Note: The SmartCloud for Social Business Trial account will provide IBM SmartCloud Notes® as the mail service, not SmartCloud iNotes®.


The following assumptions apply to this course:
  • The users displayed in screen captures used in this course are fictional users.
  • The organization used in this course,, is a fictional SmartCloud for Social Business organization.

Exercises specific to SmartCloud iNotes

Some exercises, or portions of some exercises, apply only to companies or users who have a mail subscription for SmartCloud iNotes. This content will be marked as applicable to SmartCloud iNotes users only. Skip this content if you are not using SmartCloud iNotes in your organization.

Navigating the SmartCloud user interface

The Procedure: Accessing the Administration Panel provides instructions for logging in to SmartCloud for Social Business and navigating to the main SmartCloud for Social Business Administration panel.

You can access other administration pages by clicking the links listed on the left side of the page. In the exercises in this course, this is referred to as the navigation pane. Each exercise will instruct you to click on the applicable link to take you to the appropriate page for the exercise.

The navigation pane is on the left side of the main SmartCloud for Social Business administration page.