About Custom Solutions
IDC Custom Solutions is a team of content-based marketing consultants dedicated to helping you leverage relevant IDC content and our custom services in your marketing initiatives. Throughout each engagement we provide insights and best practices on achieving the best results with your selected program elements.
Our expertise, flexible business model, and range of offerings enables our team to support your marketing programs from a single call-to-action incentive to a broad global media campaign.
Independence is the Key
The opinion, analysis, and research results presented in IDC Custom Solutions deliverables are drawn from research and analysis independently conducted and published by IDC, unless otherwise and explicitly noted. A license to distribute IDC content does not imply an opinion about or endorsement of the licensee or its products and services. This ongoing commitment to independent and reliable research makes IDC one of the most sought after sources of IT industry intelligence and advice.
About iView
A market overview in a quick-reference, mixed-content, and mixed media format (e.g., data, bullets, analyst quotes, audio, video, and/or graphics). Provides audience-essential data and analyst commentary on want-to-know and need-to-know market considerations.
The content for this IDC iView was derived from multiple sources, including original IDC research reports and IDC analyst market knowledge.
Copyright & Restrictions
Any IDC Information or reference to IDC that is to be used in advertising, press releases, or promotional materials requires prior written approval from IDC. For permission requests contact the Custom Solutions information line at 508-988-7610 or gms@idc.com. Translation and/or localization of this document requires an additional license from IDC.
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