Using QMF

Saving a new query

You can save your query in the database after you create it. You can run a saved query and display the report again. You can also add, delete, or change the information in a saved query.

To save a query: On the QMF command line on the Prompted Query panel, enter:


QMF prompts you for the name to assign to the query.

You can also enter the following:

SAVE AS queryname

For example, to save your query in the database and name it MYQUERY, enter:


To save a query and share it with other users, add the SHARE=YES parameter to the SAVE command you are using as follows:

SAVE AS queryname (SHARE=YES

QMF saves your query in the database. The Prompted Query panel displays with the name you gave the query. If you issue a SET GLOBAL command with the value DSQEC_SHARE=1 prior to issuing the SAVE command, the SHARE=YES parameter is not needed.

In some cases, a long report might not be complete when you attempt to save your query. When this happens, QMF cannot save the query until the report is complete, potentially resulting in performance problems. The global variable DSQEC_RESET_RPT allows you to predefine how you want QMF to handle this situation. See the QMF Reference manual for more information.

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