Using QMF

Running a query and displaying a report

When you run a query, QMF displays the data you select as a report.

You can run a query with only one table selected, and some or all columns selected.

To run a query:

  1. From the Specify panel, press the Cancel function key. The Prompted Query panel displays your query.
  2. Press the Run function key.

    Or you can do the following:

    Enter RUN QUERY on the QMF command line.

    When QMF finishes running your query, it displays a report that shows all of the data that you selected.

    If your query selects a large number of rows, you might need to scroll forward to see all the data.

    Figure 51. QMF displays your data as a report.

    |   NAME         DEPT    JOB      SALARY        COMM                             |
    |   ---------  ------  -----  ----------  ----------                             |
    |   JAMES          20  CLERK    13504.60      128.20                             |
    |   NGAN           15  CLERK    12508.20      206.60                             |
    |   NAUGHTON       38  CLERK    12954.75      180.00                             |
    |   YAMAGUCHI      42  CLERK    10505.90       75.60                             |
    |   KERMISCH       15  CLERK    12258.50      110.10                             |
    |   ABRAHAMS       38  CLERK    12009.75      236.50                             |
    |   SNEIDER        20  CLERK    14252.75      126.50                             |
    |   SCOUTTEN       42  CLERK    11508.60       84.20                             |
    |   LUNDQUIST      51  CLERK    13369.80      189.65                             |
    |   WHEELER        51  CLERK    14460.00      513.30                             |
    |   BURKE          66  CLERK    10988.00       55.50                             |
    |   GAFNEY         84  CLERK    13030.50      188.00                             |
  3. If you want to make changes to the query, press the Query function key to return to the Prompted Query panel.

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